


Caution: Bahasa Indonesia (is) not needed

    President Joko Widodo is reported to have said that foreign workers would not be required to be able to speak Bahasa Indonesia in order to work here. Jokowi ordered that the requirement should be omitted soon.

    The statment arises some controversies as it will become a lot easier for foreign workers, who don’t even speak Bahasa, to work here. It is believed that the eradication of such rule pose negative impacts. It will make local workers find it more difficult to compete with the foreign workers, and it will also weaken the position of Bahasa Indonesia in the world.

    However, some people consider this to be beneficial because it will make the quality of local workers improve and investors will become much more interested in investing in Indonesia.

One of the positive points for having this new regulation applied is .…

One of the positive points for having this new regulation applied is .…

  1. It will make the quality of local workers better

  2. Investors will not want to invest in Indonesia

  3. Companies will have to hire more workers

  4. It increases the quality of foreign workers

  5. It increases the quality of foreign workers


A. Acfreelance

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah It will make the quality of local workers better atau pilihan A .

jawaban yang tepat adalah It will make the quality of local workers better atau pilihan A.   



Kita dapat menemukan jawaban pada paragraf terakhiryaitu pada bagian " However, some people consider this to be beneficial because it will make the quality of local workers improve and investors will become much more interested in investing in Indonesia ". Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah It will make the quality of local workers better atau pilihan A .

Kita dapat menemukan jawaban pada paragraf terakhir yaitu pada bagian "However, some people consider this to be beneficial because it will make the quality of local workers improve and investors will become much more interested in investing in Indonesia".

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah It will make the quality of local workers better atau pilihan A.   

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Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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