


One day there were two man named Bayu and Danang. They were friends. On a fine day they went walking into a forest, enjoying the beauty of nature. Suddenly they saw a bear coming at them. They became frightened. Bayu, who knew all about climbing trees, ran up to a tree and climbed up quickly. He didn’t think of Danang. Danang had no idea how to climb the tree. He hissed at Bayu who was already atop at the tree. “Help me! Psstt.. hey! Please, help me!” but Bayu didn’t respond. Danang thought for a second. He’d heard animals don’t prefer dead bodies, so he fell to the ground and held his breath. The bear sniffed him and thought he was dead. So, it went on its way. Bayu asked Danang, “What did the bear whisper into your ears?”. Danang replied, “The bear asked me to keep away from friends like you” …and went on his way. The weather when Bayu and Danang met the bear was ...

One day there were two man named Bayu and Danang. They were friends. On a fine day they went walking into a forest, enjoying the beauty of nature. Suddenly they saw a bear coming at them. They became frightened.

Bayu, who knew all about climbing trees, ran up to a tree and climbed up quickly. He didn’t think of Danang. Danang had no idea how to climb the tree. He hissed at Bayu who was already atop at the tree. “Help me! Psstt.. hey! Please, help me!” but Bayu didn’t respond.

Danang thought for a second. He’d heard animals don’t prefer dead bodies, so he fell to the ground and held his breath. The bear sniffed him and thought he was dead. So, it went on its way.

Bayu asked Danang, “What did the bear whisper into your ears?”.

Danang replied, “The bear asked me to keep away from friends like you” …and went on his way.

The weather when Bayu and Danang met the bear was ... 

  1. rainy

  2. sunny

  3. snowy

  4. stormy

  5. gloomy



Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Raden Intan Lampung

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Pada paragraf pertama tertulis, “On a fine day”. Fine artinya baik, maksudnya adalah cuaca pada hari tersebut cerah/baik. Jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Pada paragraf pertama tertulis, “On a fine day”. Fine artinya baik, maksudnya adalah cuaca pada hari tersebut cerah/baik. Jawaban yang tepat adalah B.undefined 

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

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