


Once upon the time, there was a kingdom in Java that was attacked by another kingdom. The king asked his Queen to save her life. Alas! In the middle of the jungle, the enemy killed all her guards. However, the Queen was lucky because she changed herself into a golden snail and survived. One day, an old woman saw the snail and took it home. She looked after it. Whenever the old woman was not at home, the snail turned into a human being. She cooked and did the household chores When the old woman got home, the Queen quickly changed into a snail again. It happened several times and made the old woman curious. One day, the old woman peeped and saw what was going on. She broke in, immediately. She asked, “Why did you change yourself into a snail?. The Queen told her what happened. The old woman was surprised to know that the snail was a Queen. Later, from the head of the village they discovered that the king had won the battle and he was looking for his wife. Then the village head sent a message to the king telling him that his wife was safe. Several days later, the King and his guards came for the queen. They thanked the villagers for their kindness and brought the old woman to their palace. What happened when the old woman found the snail?

Once upon the time, there was a kingdom in Java that was attacked by another kingdom. The king asked his Queen to save her life. Alas! In the middle of the jungle, the enemy killed all her guards. However, the Queen was lucky because she changed herself into a golden snail and survived.

One day, an old woman saw the snail and took it home. She looked after it. Whenever the old woman was not at home, the snail turned into a human being. She cooked and did the household chores When the old woman got home, the Queen quickly changed into a snail again. It happened several times and made the old woman curious. One day, the old woman peeped and saw what was going on. She broke in, immediately.  She  asked, “Why did you change yourself into a snail?. The Queen told her what happened. The old woman was surprised to know that the snail was a Queen.

Later, from the head of the village they discovered that the king had won the battle and he was looking for his wife. Then the village head sent a message to the king telling him that his wife was safe.

Several days later, the King and his guards came for the queen. They thanked the villagers for their kindness and brought the old woman to their palace.


What happened when the old woman found the snail?

  1. she reported it to the head of the village

  2. she helped it to find the queen's husband

  3. it helped cleaning and cooking in her house

  4. She brought it to her house and took care of it


T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Berdasarkan kalimat “One day, an old woman saw the snail and took it home. She looked after it.”, dapat diketahui bahwa suatu hari, seorang wanita tua melihat siput tersebut dan membawanya pulang. Nenek itu merawatnya. Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, maka pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (D) ‘she brought it to her house and took care of it’ atau ‘ia membawanya pulang dan merawatnya’

Berdasarkan kalimat “One day, an old woman saw the snail and took it home. She looked after it.”, dapat diketahui bahwa suatu hari, seorang wanita tua melihat siput tersebut dan membawanya pulang. Nenek itu merawatnya. Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, maka pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (D) ‘she brought it to her house and took care of it’ atau ‘ia membawanya pulang dan merawatnya’

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