
Once upon a time, there was a poor woman who had lost her husband and had a son named Malin Kundang. One day, Malin Kundang went sailing to other place. Ever since Malin Kundang leaving, his mother went to the shore everyday, waiting for Malin Kundang to return. After years, her waiting came to an end when a luxurious ship docked at the shore. A young couple in extravagant clothes stepped down from the ship. Malin's mother was sure that the young man was her son. She tried to embrace him, but he threw her away. He didn't admit the woman as his mother. Being denied and humiliated, Malin's mother cursed her son. After a moment, the luxurious ship was attacked by a hurricane and the cursed son turned into rock. What is the main idea of paragraph 3 ?

Once upon a time, there was a poor woman who had lost her husband and had a son named Malin Kundang. One day, Malin Kundang went sailing to other place. Ever since Malin Kundang leaving, his mother went to the shore everyday, waiting for Malin Kundang to return.

After years, her waiting came to an end when a luxurious ship docked at the shore. A young couple in extravagant clothes stepped down from the ship. Malin's mother was sure that the young man was her son. She tried to embrace him, but he threw her away. He didn't admit the woman as his mother.

Being denied and humiliated, Malin's mother cursed her son. After a moment, the luxurious ship was attacked by a hurricane and the cursed son turned into rock.


What is the main idea of paragraph 3 ?



  1. Malin Kundang was cursed by her mother

  2. Malin's mother got angry and turned into a rock

  3. Malin Kundang continued his journey

  4. The luxurious ship was attacked by a hurricane

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M. Ardini

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada

Jawaban terverifikasi


Paragraf ketiga menceritakan tentang sakit hati yang dialami oleh ibu Malin Kundang karena telah disangkal dan dipermalukan olehnya, sehingga sang ibu mengutuknya. Tidak lama kemudian, kapal mewahnya diserang oleh badai dan Malin Kundag yang telah dikutuk berubah menjadi batu, sehingga ide utama dari paragraf tersebut adalah (A).

Paragraf ketiga menceritakan tentang sakit hati yang dialami oleh ibu Malin Kundang karena telah disangkal dan dipermalukan olehnya, sehingga sang ibu mengutuknya. Tidak lama kemudian, kapal mewahnya diserang oleh badai dan Malin Kundag yang telah dikutuk berubah menjadi batu, sehingga ide utama dari paragraf tersebut adalah (A).

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