


Once upon a time, a giant named Kbo Iwo lived in Bali. He helped people building temples and villages, digging ditches, and cutting terrace out of the hillsides for rice paddies. All he asked for his help was food to satisfy his huge appetite. One day, poor harvest made the people barely feed themselves, much less a giant. This made Kbo Iwo angry so much that he rampaged across the island, killing and destroying everything in sight until all houses, rice fields, and temples were ruined. The people were very angry with Kbo Iwo and gathered together to decide how to stop him. They planned to make friends with the giant and then kill him. The people begged Kbo Iwo to rebuild the temples, houses, and rice fields which he had destroyed in his rampage. The giant agreed and worked at replacing everything he had destroyed. The Balinese people then asked him to build a well. As he dug, the earth piled high next to the well. The pile was high as a mountain. Tired from the hard work, he fell asleep. While he was sleeping, the people poured huge amounts of lime (a sticky substance) down to well. The lime set around the giant and when he woke up, he was unable to escape. The well then began to fill with water and it soon overflowed to become a lake. Today, many people believe that the lake is Lake Batur, Bali’s largest lake. The pile of earth that Kbo Iwo dug out of the well was believed to be Mount Batur, Bali’s third-largest volcanic mountain. The first paragraph tells us about …

    Once upon a time, a giant named Kbo Iwo lived in Bali. He helped people building temples and villages, digging ditches, and cutting terrace out of the hillsides for rice paddies. All he asked for his help was food to satisfy his huge appetite.

    One day, poor harvest made the people barely feed themselves, much less a giant. This made Kbo Iwo angry so much that he rampaged across the island, killing and destroying everything in sight until all houses, rice fields, and temples were ruined. The people were very angry with Kbo Iwo and gathered together to decide how to stop him. They planned to make friends with the giant and then kill him.

    The people begged Kbo Iwo to rebuild the temples, houses, and rice fields which he had destroyed in his rampage. The giant agreed and worked at replacing everything he had destroyed. The Balinese people then asked him to build a well. As he dug, the earth piled high next to the well. The pile was high as a mountain.

    Tired from the hard work, he fell asleep. While he was sleeping, the people poured huge amounts of lime (a sticky substance) down to well. The lime set around the giant and when he woke up, he was unable to escape.

    The well then began to fill with water and it soon overflowed to become a lake. Today, many people believe that the lake is Lake Batur, Bali’s largest lake. The pile of earth that Kbo Iwo dug out of the well was believed to be Mount Batur, Bali’s third-largest volcanic mountain.

The first paragraph tells us about …

  1. The characteristic of Kbo Iwo

  2. The story of Kbo Iwo in Bali

  3. Kbo Iwo when he was angry

  4. Kbo Iwo’s appetite killed him


D. Danti

Master Teacher

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Ide pokok paragraf pertama adalah tentang karakter dari Kbo Iwo yang suka menolong penduduk tetapi mempunyai nafsu makan yang sangat besar. Seperti yang ada pada kalimat terakhir paragraf pertama, All he asked for his help was food to satisfy his huge appetite (Yang diminta atas bantuannya adalah makanan untuk memenuhi nafsu makannya yang sangat besar). Maka jawaban A adalah jawaban yang tepat.

Ide pokok paragraf pertama adalah tentang karakter dari Kbo Iwo yang suka menolong penduduk tetapi mempunyai nafsu makan yang sangat besar. Seperti yang ada pada kalimat terakhir paragraf pertama, All he asked for his help was food to satisfy his huge appetite (Yang diminta atas bantuannya adalah makanan untuk memenuhi nafsu makannya yang sangat besar). Maka jawaban A adalah jawaban yang tepat.

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