


Now the children (1) ____ at school. Agus is drawing some pictures on his drawing book. He is sitting on a bench. He is (2) ____ near Totok. Totok is at school too. He is studying. He is sitting behind (3) ____ desk. He wishes he could play with the other children. Yolanda and Susana are also at school. They are playing outside. They are (4) ____ flowers for their teacher. Yolanda is carrying her hat. Susana is wearing a bonnet. At this moment, Susana is walking by the door. She is helping the teacher. She is (5) ____ textbooks to the shelf.

    Now the children (1) ____ at school. Agus is drawing some pictures on his drawing book. He is sitting on a bench. He is (2) ____ near Totok.

    Totok is at school too. He is studying. He is sitting behind (3) ____ desk. He wishes he could play with the other children.

    Yolanda and Susana are also at school. They are playing outside. They are (4) ____ flowers for their teacher. Yolanda is carrying her hat. Susana is wearing a bonnet.

    At this moment, Susana is walking by the door. She is helping the teacher. She is (5) ____ textbooks to the shelf.

  1. sitting

  2. sit

  3. to sit

  4. sat


Y. Yuli.Widya

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah A.

jawaban yang benar adalah A.



Pembahasan untuk soal nomor (2) Kalimat "He is (2) ____ near Totok." seharusnya berarti "Dia sedang duduk dekat Totok". Pada kalimat tersebut terdapat to be (is) sebelum titik-titik, yang merupakan ciri dari kalimat Present Continuous Tense (S + to be (am/is/are) + verb(-ing) + O). Berdasarkan pola kalimat di atas, dibutuhkan kata kerja bentuk verb(-ing) untuk melengkapinya, yaitu sitting . Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A.

Pembahasan untuk soal nomor (2)

Kalimat "He is (2) ____ near Totok." seharusnya berarti "Dia sedang duduk dekat Totok".

Pada kalimat tersebut terdapat to be (is) sebelum titik-titik, yang merupakan ciri  dari kalimat Present Continuous Tense (S + to be (am/is/are) + verb(-ing) + O).

Berdasarkan pola kalimat di atas, dibutuhkan kata kerja bentuk verb(-ing) untuk melengkapinya, yaitu sitting.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A.

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di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


Terefgar Abelricza Aqfiarta

Jawaban tidak sesuai



Pertanyaan serupa

Complete the following setence using Present Continuous Tense ! You ____ (fix) the car now, so l will not bother you.



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