


NEW YORK: Half of all heart patients made at least one medication-related mistake after leaving the hospital, and guidance from a pharmacist didn't seem to reduce those errors, in a new study Consequences of mistakes - such as forgetting to take certain drugs or taking the wrong dose - can range from side effects like consistpation to more serious drops ini blood pressure. Two percents of errors were life-threatening. Not all of the problems, however were the fault of the patients. Some may have resulted from medication side effect or other factors beyond the patient's control. Hospitals involved in the study were already taking steps to prevent medication mistakes in additioj to the extra pharmacist intervention, said Dr. Sunil Kripalani, the study's lead author from the Vanderbilt University Medical Centre in Nashville, Tennessee "We were surprised to see that in spite of these efforts, that 50 percebts (of patients) were still having these medication errors," he told Reuters health. Although the pharmacist visit didn't help the average patient, he added, certain ones seemed to benefit - such as patients who were on multiple drugs or had trouble understanding health information. As for traditionally lower-risk patients, he said other stratefies to prevent errors may be neede-. - Reuters. "... and guidance from a pharmacist didn't seem to reduce those errors ...." The underlined word is closest in meaning to .....

NEW YORK: Half of all heart patients made at least one medication-related mistake after leaving the hospital, and guidance from a pharmacist didn't seem to reduce those errors, in a new study

               Consequences of mistakes - such as forgetting to take certain drugs or taking the wrong dose - can range from side effects like consistpation to more serious drops ini blood pressure. Two percents of errors were life-threatening.

              Not all of the problems, however were the fault of the patients. Some may have resulted from medication side effect or other factors beyond the patient's control.

             Hospitals involved in the study were already  taking steps to prevent medication mistakes in additioj to the extra pharmacist intervention, said Dr. Sunil Kripalani, the study's lead author from the Vanderbilt University Medical Centre in Nashville, Tennessee

              "We were surprised to see that in spite of these efforts, that 50 percebts (of patients) were still having these medication errors," he told Reuters health.

               Although the pharmacist visit didn't  help the average patient, he added, certain ones seemed to benefit - such as patients who were on multiple drugs or had trouble understanding health information.

               As for traditionally lower-risk patients, he said other stratefies to prevent errors may be neede-. - Reuters.

"... and guidance from a pharmacist didn't seem to reduce those errors ...."

The underlined word is closest in meaning to .....

  1. improve

  2. upgrade

  3. decrease

  4. degrade

  5. increase


M. Ardini

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada

Jawaban terverifikasi



Berdasarkan kalimat “ guidance from a pharmacist didn't seem to reduce those errors ” dapat diketahui bahwa kata ‘reduce’ bermakna ‘menurunkan’ sehingga pilihan jawaban (C) adalah yang paling tepat. Pilihan jawaban (D) salah karena walaupun artinya ‘berkurang/turun’ tapi secara kontekstual bermakna untuk nilai/kualitas, bukan jumlah. Pilihan (A), (B), dan (E) salah karena maknanya ‘meningkatkan’.

Berdasarkan kalimat “guidance from a pharmacist didn't seem to reduce those errors” dapat diketahui bahwa kata ‘reduce’ bermakna ‘menurunkan’ sehingga pilihan jawaban (C) adalah yang paling tepat. Pilihan jawaban (D) salah karena walaupun artinya ‘berkurang/turun’ tapi secara kontekstual bermakna untuk nilai/kualitas, bukan jumlah. Pilihan (A), (B), dan (E) salah karena maknanya ‘meningkatkan’.

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"We are definitely going to expand into the Philippines ... " (Paragraph 5) What does the underlined word mean?



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