


My day At 7:21 my alarm clock rings and I wake up. I hate my alarm clock! It makes too much noise. I get up at 7:30 and (1) make my bed. Then I (2) ____ a shower and brush my teeth. I get dressed and have breakfast. I always (3) ____ three eggs and five pieces of toast. I (4) ____ two cups of tea and then I (5) ____ my teeth again. I (6) ____ some milk in a bowl for my dog, and at 8:30 I (7) ____ the house and catch the bus to work. I (8) ____ at the office at about 9 and drink a cup of tea. I eat some biscuits and (9) ____ out of the window. Then I have a rest. At lunchtime, I eat a sandwich and (10) ____ the newspaper. At around 3:30 Itake off my shoes and (11) ____ for twenty minutes, sometimes twenty-five minutes, sometimes half an hour. I (12) ____ two or three letters and (13) ____ my sister who (14) ____ in Australia. We (15) ____ for fifteen minutes. She always tells me about the weather. There (16) ____ three kinds of weather in Australia - hot, very hot, and very, very hot! I leave the office at about 4:30. When I get home I (17) ____ the dog and (18) ____ TV. At 11:00, Imake a hot water bottle and go to bed. The moon (19) ____ in the sky and I sleep. I (20) ____ about my vacation. Then at 7:21 my alarm clock rings.

My day

    At 7:21 my alarm clock rings and I wake up. I hate my alarm clock! It makes too much noise. I get up at 7:30 and (1) make my bed.

    Then I (2) ____ a shower and brush my teeth. I get dressed and have breakfast. I always (3) ____ three eggs and five pieces of toast. I (4) ____ two cups of tea and then I (5) ____ my teeth again. I (6) ____ some milk in a bowl for my dog, and at 8:30 I (7) ____ the house and catch the bus to work. I (8) ____ at the office at about 9 and drink a cup of tea. I eat some biscuits and (9) ____ out of the window. Then I have a rest.

    At lunchtime, I eat a sandwich and (10) ____ the newspaper. At around 3:30 I take off my shoes and (11) ____ for twenty minutes, sometimes twenty-five minutes, sometimes half an hour. I (12) ____ two or three letters and (13) ____ my sister who (14) ____ in Australia. We (15) ____ for fifteen minutes. She always tells me about the weather. There (16) ____ three kinds of weather in Australia - hot, very hot, and very, very hot!

    I leave the office at about 4:30. When I get home I (17) ____ the dog and (18) ____ TV. At 11:00, I make a hot water bottle and go to bed. The moon (19) ____ in the sky and I sleep. I (20) ____ about my vacation. Then at 7:21 my alarm clock rings.


M. Isnaeni

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Semarang

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban bagian rumpang (20) adalah " dream ".

jawaban bagian rumpang (20) adalah "dream".



Pembahasan nomor 17-20. Kata yang tepat melengkapi bagian rumpang (17) dan (18) adalah " feed " dan " watch " sehingga kalimatnya menjadi " When I get home I feed the dog and watch TV " yang berarti "Ketika aku pulang aku memberi makan anjing dan menonton TV". Jadi, jawaban bagian rumpang (17) dan (18) adalah " feed " dan " watch ". Kata yang tepat melengkapi bagian rumpang (19) adalah " shines " sehingga kalimatnya menjadi " The moon shines in the sky and I sleep " yang berarti "Bulan bersinar di langit dan aku tidur". Jadi, jawaban bagian rumpang (19) adalah " shines ". Kata yang tepat melengkapi bagian rumpang (20) adalah " dream " sehingga kalimatnya menjadi " I dream about my vacation " yang berarti "Aku bermimpi tentang liburanku". Jadi, jawaban bagian rumpang (20) adalah " dream ".

Pembahasan nomor 17-20.

Kata yang tepat melengkapi bagian rumpang (17) dan (18) adalah "feed" dan "watch" sehingga kalimatnya menjadi "When I get home I feed the dog and watch TV" yang berarti "Ketika aku pulang aku memberi makan anjing dan menonton TV".

Jadi, jawaban bagian rumpang (17) dan (18) adalah "feed" dan "watch".

Kata yang tepat melengkapi bagian rumpang (19) adalah "shines" sehingga kalimatnya menjadi "The moon shines in the sky and I sleep" yang berarti "Bulan bersinar di langit dan aku tidur".

Jadi, jawaban bagian rumpang (19) adalah "shines".

Kata yang tepat melengkapi bagian rumpang (20) adalah "dream" sehingga kalimatnya menjadi "I dream about my vacation" yang berarti "Aku bermimpi tentang liburanku".

Jadi, jawaban bagian rumpang (20) adalah "dream".

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