


My class is very dirty. The chairs and tables are not arranged well. The students run everywhere. The floor is full with papers. Ryan is playing on the table. Sony and Anya are throwing paper-ball My Classroom is so Messy each other, Their voice is so noisy. Some other students are playing paper-plane. There are many paper-balls and paper-planes like on the floor, under the table. under the chair, on the cupboard, in the locker and, even out of window. It is very terrible. Suddenly, the mess stops when the teacher comes and says in anger. Attention! Stop playing and clean the classroom immediately! Answer the questions based on the text above! 5. What does the teacher ask to the students?

My class is very dirty. The chairs and tables are not arranged well. The students run everywhere. The floor is full with papers. Ryan is playing on the table. Sony and Anya are throwing paper-ball My Classroom is so Messy each other, Their voice is so noisy. Some other students are playing paper-plane. There are many paper-balls and paper-planes like on the floor, under the table. under the chair, on the cupboard, in the locker and, even out of window. It is very terrible. Suddenly, the mess stops when the teacher comes and says in anger. Attention! Stop playing and clean the classroom immediately!


Answer the questions based on the text above!

5. What does the teacher ask to the students?



N. Hasanah

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah the teacher asks the students to stop playing and to clean the classroom immediately .

jawaban yang tepat adalah the teacher asks the students to stop playing and to clean the classroom immediately.




Soal tersebut menanyakan hal yang guru perintahkan pada murid. Sebelumnya, perlu diketahui bahwa menurut teks, kondisi kelas berisik dan berantakan. Selanjutnya, terdapat kata kunci pada kalimat soal yaitu the teacher yang tertulis di kalimat ke-12: suddenly, the mess stops when the teacher comes and say in anger artinya "tiba-tiba kekacauan berhenti saat guru datang dan berkata dengan marah". Perkataan guru dituliskan di kalimat ke-13, yaitu: attention! Stop playing and clean the classroom immediately! artinya "perhatian! Berhenti bermain dan segera bersihkan kelas!" Berdasarkan isi dua kalimat tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru memerintahkan para murid untuk berhenti main dan segera membersihkan kelas. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah the teacher asks the students to stop playing and to clean the classroom immediately .

Soal tersebut menanyakan hal yang guru perintahkan pada murid.

Sebelumnya, perlu diketahui bahwa menurut teks, kondisi kelas berisik dan berantakan.

Selanjutnya, terdapat kata kunci pada kalimat soal yaitu the teacher yang tertulis di kalimat ke-12: suddenly, the mess stops when the teacher comes and say in anger artinya "tiba-tiba kekacauan berhenti saat guru datang dan berkata dengan marah".

Perkataan guru dituliskan di kalimat ke-13, yaitu: attention! Stop playing and clean the classroom immediately! artinya "perhatian! Berhenti bermain dan segera bersihkan kelas!"

Berdasarkan isi dua kalimat tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru memerintahkan para murid untuk berhenti main dan segera membersihkan kelas.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah the teacher asks the students to stop playing and to clean the classroom immediately.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
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Pertanyaan serupa

Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d! The dialog is for questions number 1-3. Siti : Wow, your bedroom is very tidy, comfortable and large. Lisa : I think it is small. Siti :...



Jawaban terverifikasi


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