

Ms. Helena stocked up on dozens of amphorae, but only one of them lasted for more than 3 years. The following statement which has the similar meaning to the statement above is…

Ms. Helena stocked up on dozens of amphorae, but only one of them lasted for more than 3 years.
The following statement which has the similar meaning to the statement above is…

  1. Ms. Helena stocked up on dozens of amphorae, only one of which lasted for more than 3 years.

  2. Ms. Helena stocked up on dozens of amphorae which one lasted for more than 3 years

  3. Ms. Helena stocked up on dozens of amphorae, only one of whom lasted for more than 3 years

  4. Ms. Helena stocked up on dozens of amphorae whose one lasted for more than 3 years

  5. Ms. Helena stocked up on dozens of amphorae whom one lasted for more than 3 years.

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N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Jawaban yang tepat adalah A karena ' one of which 'digunakan untuk menerangkan kata benda yang merujuk pada frasa dozens of amphorae (beberapa lusin bejana Yunani) pada klausa utama dalam kalimat tersebut menggantikan objective pronoun (kata ganti objek) ‘ one of them ’.

Jawaban yang tepat adalah A karena 'one of which 'digunakan untuk menerangkan kata benda yang merujuk pada frasa dozens of amphorae (beberapa lusin bejana Yunani) pada klausa utama dalam kalimat tersebut menggantikan objective pronoun (kata ganti objek) ‘one of them’.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Which one is the correct sentence?



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