


Mercury and the Woodman A woodman was feeling a tree on the bank of a river, when his axe, glancing off the trunk, flew out of his hands and fell into the water. When he stood by the water’s edge was sad by his loss, Mercury (48) ... and asked him the reason his sad. On learning what happened out of pity fir his distress, Mercury dived into the river and, briging up a golden axe, asked him if that was the one he had lost. The woodman replied that it was his. ‘No, that is not mine either,’ said the woodman. Once more Mercury dived into the river, and brought up the missing axe. The Woodman was overjoyed at recovering his (49) ..., and thanked his benefactor warmly. The latter was so (5) ... with his honestly that he made him a present of the other thwo axes.


Mercury and the Woodman

A woodman was feeling a tree on the bank of a river, when his axe, glancing off the trunk, flew out of his hands and fell into the water. When he stood by the water’s edge was sad by his loss, Mercury (48) ... and asked him the reason his sad. On learning what happened out of pity fir his distress, Mercury dived into the river and, briging up a golden axe, asked him if that was the one he had lost. The woodman replied that it was his. ‘No, that is not mine either,’ said the woodman. Once more Mercury dived into the river, and brought up the missing axe. The Woodman was overjoyed at recovering his (49) ..., and thanked his benefactor warmly. The latter was so (5) ... with his honestly that he made him a present of the other thwo axes.

  1. dagger

  2. Assetes

  3. Property

  4. Clothes


  5. Body


M. Ardini

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada

Jawaban terverifikasi



Berdasarkan ceritanya, dapat diketahui bahwa Mercury menolong si Tukang Kayu dengan mengambilkan kapak yang merupakan benda kepemilikannya sehingga pilihan jawaban (C) adalah yang paling tepat karena ‘ property ’ dapat bermakna ‘benda kepemilikan’. Pilihan (A) salah karena artinya ‘belati’ dan kurang tepat karena berbeda dengan kapak ( axe ), Pilihan (B) salah karena walau artinya ‘benda kepemilikan’ tapi ditulis dalam bentuk jamak padahal yang hilang hanyalah sebuah, Pilihan (D) dan (E) salah karena artinya ‘baju’ dan ‘tubuh’ yang tidak relevan.

Berdasarkan ceritanya, dapat diketahui bahwa Mercury menolong si Tukang Kayu dengan mengambilkan kapak yang merupakan benda kepemilikannya sehingga pilihan jawaban (C) adalah yang paling tepat karena ‘property’ dapat bermakna ‘benda kepemilikan’. Pilihan (A) salah karena artinya ‘belati’ dan kurang tepat karena berbeda dengan kapak (axe), Pilihan (B) salah karena walau artinya ‘benda kepemilikan’ tapi ditulis dalam bentuk jamak padahal yang hilang hanyalah sebuah, Pilihan (D) dan (E) salah karena artinya ‘baju’ dan ‘tubuh’ yang tidak relevan.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




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