


Match the following expressions with the responses! ( ____ ) Do you think online exam should be kept the way they are now? a. I think I prefer online exams the way they are now. b. I think writing down notes with a pen is better because it can help us enhance our knowledge. c. I think this habit turns you into a boring person. d. Yes, I think so. I always get bad score. e. I think it is the worst habit of students. It can lead to a corruption. f. In my opinion, it makes our lives a lot easier. g. I feel our country is always hot. I'm sweating every day. h. I feel that zoos are cruel because animals should be able to live in the wild. i. I feel it is dangerous for students. It can be frightening. j. I don't think so. They can do freely with it, for example browsing inappropriate sites.

Match the following expressions with the responses!

( ____ ) Do you think online exam should be kept the way they are now?

a. I think I prefer online exams the way they are now.

b. I think writing down notes with a pen is better because it can help us enhance our knowledge.

c. I think this habit turns you into a boring person.

d. Yes, I think so. I always get bad score.

e. I think it is the worst habit of students. It can lead to a corruption.

f. In my opinion, it makes our lives a lot easier.

g. I feel our country is always hot. I'm sweating every day.

h. I feel that zoos are cruel because animals should be able to live in the wild.

i. I feel it is dangerous for students. It can be frightening.

j. I don't think so. They can do freely with it, for example browsing inappropriate sites.


D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


respon yang benar adalah a. I think I prefer online exams the way they are now.

respon yang benar adalah a. I think I prefer online exams the way they are now.



Respon yang benar adalaha. I think I prefer online exams the way they are now. Perintah dari soal tersebut adalah mencocokan pertanyaan dengan respon yang sesuai. Makna dari kalimat soal adalah "Apakah menurutmu ujian online harus tetap ada seperti sekarang?" Kalimat yang sesuai untuk merespon pertanyaan tersebut yaitu "I think I prefer online exams the way they are now." yang artinya "Menurut saya, saya lebih suka ujian online seperti sekarang." Jadi, respon yang benar adalah a. I think I prefer online exams the way they are now.

Respon yang benar adalah a. I think I prefer online exams the way they are now.

Perintah dari soal tersebut adalah mencocokan pertanyaan dengan respon yang sesuai. Makna dari kalimat soal adalah "Apakah menurutmu ujian online harus tetap ada seperti sekarang?"

Kalimat yang sesuai untuk merespon pertanyaan tersebut yaitu "I think I prefer online exams the way they are now." yang artinya "Menurut saya, saya lebih suka ujian online seperti sekarang."

Jadi, respon yang benar adalah a. I think I prefer online exams the way they are now.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

Answer the following questions. How do you express your opinions politely and accurately?



Jawaban terverifikasi


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