
Match each situation to the short message. A teacher reminds a student about a drama rehearsal she/he should attend. Don't forget to attend your English class this afternoon, dear. Tomorrow is Sunday. Why don't we go to the city library to read some interesting books? Don't forget to come for the last choir rehearsal.Let's keep up our spirits. The drama rehearsal will start at 4 PM. Please come on time. Can you lend me The Best Time novel you have? I'll return it soon. I need the book you borrowed. Please return it soon.

Match each situation to the short message.

A teacher reminds a student about a drama rehearsal she/he should attend.

  • Don't forget to attend your English class this afternoon, dear.
  • Tomorrow is Sunday. Why don't we go to the city library to read some interesting books?
  • Don't forget to come for the last choir rehearsal. Let's keep up our spirits.
  • The drama rehearsal will start at 4 PM. Please come on time.
  • Can you lend me The Best Time novel you have? I'll return it soon.
  • I need the book you borrowed. Please return it soon.

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V. Ginting

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat terdapat pada kotak ke-4yang berisi "The drama rehearsal will start at 4 PM. Pleasecome on time."

jawaban yang tepat terdapat pada kotak ke-4 yang berisi "The drama rehearsal will start at 4 PM. Please come on time."



Jawaban dari soal ini adalah kotak ke-4 "The drama rehearsal will start at 4 PM. Please come on time." Soal menanyakan pesan yang cocok dengan konteks yang tersedia. Terjemahan dari konteks soal adalah "Seorang guru mengingatkan seorang siswa tentang latihan drama yang harus dia hadiri." Dari pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, pesan yang sesuai terdapat pada kotak ke-4yang mempunyai arti "Latihan drama akan dimulai pukul 4 sore. Tolongdatang tepat waktu." Jadi, jawaban yang tepat terdapat pada kotak ke-4yang berisi "The drama rehearsal will start at 4 PM. Pleasecome on time."

Jawaban dari soal ini adalah kotak ke-4 "The drama rehearsal will start at 4 PM. Please come on time."

Soal menanyakan pesan yang cocok dengan konteks yang tersedia.

Terjemahan dari konteks soal adalah "Seorang guru mengingatkan seorang siswa tentang latihan drama yang harus dia hadiri."

Dari pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, pesan yang sesuai terdapat pada kotak ke-4 yang mempunyai arti "Latihan drama akan dimulai pukul 4 sore. Tolong datang tepat waktu."

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat terdapat pada kotak ke-4 yang berisi "The drama rehearsal will start at 4 PM. Please come on time."

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


Pertanyaan serupa

Match each situation to the short message. A student asks a friend to go with him/her to the city library. Don't forget to attend your English class this afternoon, dear. Tomorrow is Sun...



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