


Marie Curie was born in Poland 1867. She was the only person who gained two Nobel prizes at that time. She achieved one on physics and one on chemistry. She was born as Marie Sklodowska, the daughter of a chemistry professor. She was the first woman who attended the University of Sorbonne in Paris. As a poor student, she lived in Paris on only ten cents a day for 3 years. In 1895, she married Pierre Currie, a chemist. They had two daughters: Irene and Eve. Marie managed three lives as a researcher, a wife, and a mother. In 1898, Marie discovered radium. Later she developed a concept of radioactivity, which marked the beginning of atomic age. During World War I, Marie and her daughter completed a new medical tool - the X-ray. Marie died in 1934, only a year before her daughter Irene won the Nobel Prize in chemistry. “In 1898, Marie discovered radium”. (paragraph 2) The underlined word means . . .

Marie Curie was born in Poland 1867. She was the only person who gained two Nobel prizes at that time. She achieved one on physics and one on chemistry. She was born as Marie Sklodowska, the daughter of a chemistry professor. She was the first woman who attended the University of Sorbonne in Paris. As a poor student, she lived in Paris on only ten cents a day for 3 years. In 1895, she married Pierre Currie, a chemist. They had two daughters: Irene and Eve.

Marie managed three lives as a researcher, a wife, and a mother.

In 1898, Marie discovered radium. Later she developed a concept of radioactivity, which marked the beginning of atomic age. During World War I, Marie and her daughter completed a new medical tool - the X-ray. Marie died in 1934, only a year before her daughter Irene won the Nobel Prize in chemistry.


“In 1898, Marie discovered radium”. (paragraph 2)

The underlined word means . . .

  1. had

  2. met

  3. got

  4. found


S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi



Kata discovered bermakna found (ditemukan) dalam kalimat tersebut di atas. Jawaban A salah karena bermakna “mempunyai”. Jawaban B salah karena artinya adalah “bertemu”. Jawaban C juga salah karena maknanya adalah “mendapatkan”.

Kata discovered bermakna found (ditemukan) dalam kalimat tersebut di atas. Jawaban A salah karena bermakna “mempunyai”. Jawaban B salah karena artinya adalah “bertemu”. Jawaban C juga salah karena maknanya adalah “mendapatkan”.

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