

My day at home

    I spent my day at home for the last four weeks. I didn't go anywhere because of the corona outbreak. I spent my time in front of television or play online game with my brother and my mother. My mother bought me new mobile phone. She said that it was better to play online game than play outside the house.

    I usually woke up without alarm and took a bath when my mother asked me. After that, I played with my cat, watched television, or played online game. I also helped my mother, such as washed the dishes, swept the floor, or washed the clothes. It looked so bored. I really missed the beach and cinema. But I enjoyed my time because I can saw my mother and brother everyday.

Make question with the answer based on the text. Why ....?

Make question with the answer based on the text.

Why ....?

8 dari 10 siswa nilainya naik

dengan paket belajar pilihan

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Kata tanya “ why ” digunakan untuk menanyakan alasan atau sebab. Oleh karena itu, kita dapat bertanya, “mengapa penulis selama empat minggu terakhir hanya berada di rumah?” Jadi, salah satu jawaban yang tepatadalah: Question: “Why did the writer spend her/his last four weeks at home?” Answer: "The writer spent her/his last four weeks at home because of the corona outbreak."

Kata tanya “why” digunakan untuk menanyakan alasan atau sebab.

Oleh karena itu, kita dapat bertanya, “mengapa penulis selama empat minggu terakhir hanya berada di rumah?”

Jadi, salah satu jawaban yang tepat adalah:

Question: “Why did the writer spend her/his last four weeks at home?”

Answer: "The writer spent her/his last four weeks at home because of the corona outbreak."undefined 

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Pertanyaan serupa

Make question with the answer based on the text. When ?



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