


Make 4 sentences which consist of at least 3 (three) Parts of Speech in each one. The sentences must be about activities at campus.

Make 4 sentences which consist of at least 3 (three) Parts of Speech in each one. The sentences must be about activities at campus.


D. Yaniar

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban untuk soal ini seperti yang telah dijelaskan.

jawaban untuk soal ini seperti yang telah dijelaskan.



Kita diminta untuk membuat kalimat yang terdiri dari setidaknya 3 kelas kata ( Part of Speech ). Noun (kata benda) , pronoun (kata ganti) , verb (kata kerja) , adjective (kata sifat) , adverb (kata keterangan) , preposition (kata depan) , dan conjuction (kata hubung) merupakan Part of Speech. Kalian dapat membuat kalimat selain contoh kalimat di bawah ini: I am studying at campus. (Aku sedang belajar di kampus.) I = pronoun am studying = verb (Present Continuous Tense) at = preposition campus = noun Mr. Agus teaches English Literature every Monday. Mr. Agus = noun teaches = verb English Literature = Noun Phrase every = adjective Monday = noun The debate competition will be held in Wednesday. The = article/adjective debate competition = Noun Phrase will be held = verb (passive voice) in = preposition Wednesday = noun Campus buses are available for student transportation at the Depok campus. Campus = noun buses = noun are = to be available = adjective for = preposition student = noun transportation = noun at = preposition the = article/adjective Depok campus = Noun Phrase Jadi, jawaban untuk soal ini seperti yang telah dijelaskan.

Kita diminta untuk membuat kalimat yang terdiri dari setidaknya 3 kelas kata (Part of Speech). Noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), verb (kata kerja), adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata keterangan), preposition (kata depan), dan conjuction (kata hubung) merupakan Part of Speech.  Kalian dapat membuat kalimat selain contoh kalimat di bawah ini:

  1. I am studying at campus. (Aku sedang belajar di kampus.)
    I = pronoun
    am studying = verb (Present Continuous Tense)
    at = preposition
    campus = noun

  2. Mr. Agus teaches English Literature every Monday.
    Mr. Agus = noun

    teaches = verb
    English Literature = Noun Phrase
    every =  adjective
    Monday = noun

  3. The debate competition will be held in Wednesday.
    The = article/adjective

    debate competition = Noun Phrase
    will be held = verb (passive voice)
    in = preposition

    Wednesday = noun
  4. Campus buses are available for student transportation at the Depok campus.
    Campus = noun
    buses = noun
    are = to be

    available = adjective
    for = preposition
    student = noun
    transportation = noun
    at = preposition
    the = article/adjective
    Depok campus = Noun Phrase

Jadi, jawaban untuk soal ini seperti yang telah dijelaskan.

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Jawaban terverifikasi


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