


Look at the following dialogue! Ari: I really like the stand-up comedy you performed at the farewell party yesterday. Lena: Really? Thanks. Ari: Yeah! You really have a great sense of humor. The audience gave you a big round of applause. Lena: I am happy if they like it. Ari: How did you get ideas for your scripts? Lena: I get the ideas from my daily life, then I mix them with my imagination. Ari: That’s great! Why don’t you join a stand-up comedy competition on a TV station? You are talented in making people laugh. Lena: That’s what I am thinking about. What is Lena like?

Look at the following dialogue!

Ari: I really like the stand-up comedy you performed at the farewell party yesterday.

Lena: Really? Thanks.

Ari: Yeah! You really have a great sense of humor. The audience gave you a big round of applause.

Lena: I am happy if they like it.

Ari: How did you get ideas for your scripts?

Lena: I get the ideas from my daily life, then I mix them with my imagination.

Ari: That’s great! Why don’t you join a stand-up comedy competition on a TV station? You are talented in making people laugh.

Lena: That’s what I am thinking about.

What is Lena like? 

  1. Diligent

  2. Friendly

  3. Generous

  4. Humorous

  5. Kind Heartedundefined 


A. Acfreelance

Master Teacher

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pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.



Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

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Who gave compliment to Isabel? How do you know?



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