

Long ago, in a small village in Japan, there lived a travelling-monkey man who earned his living by making rounds in the neighborhood and showing off tricks he had taught his monkey. One day, when men came home after making rounds with the monkey the whole day, he yelled to his wife to call for a butcher and tell him to come the next morning. He was furious. ‘What happen? Why the butcher?” asked his wife and the man replied “This pathetic monkey has grown too old. I beat him with my sticks but he still wouldn’t dance nor would he do any tricks at all.” The wife felt sorry for the animal and she asked, “Are you sure about it? Please, think about it first”. “Now I can’t use it anymore, so, I must sell it to the butcher to get every little penny I can”. The man was determined and nothing would changed his mind. The monkey who was in the next room overheard all that the man had said and he was said. “What a cruel master I have! I have served him for life and he wants to he won’t let me spend my day in peace.” The monkey sob because he was sad and scared of what he would have to face the next day. The writer’s purpose of writing this type of text is to ...

Long ago, in a small village in Japan, there lived a travelling-monkey man who earned his living by making rounds in the neighborhood and showing off tricks he had taught his monkey.

One day, when men came home after making rounds with the monkey the whole day, he yelled to his wife to call for a butcher and tell him to come the next morning. He was furious. ‘What happen? Why the butcher?” asked his wife and the man replied “This pathetic monkey has grown too old. I beat him with my sticks but he still wouldn’t dance nor would he do any tricks at all.” The wife felt sorry for the animal and she asked, “Are you sure about it? Please, think about it first”. “Now I can’t use it anymore, so, I must sell it to the butcher to get every little penny I can”. The man was determined and nothing would changed his mind.

The monkey who was in the next room overheard all that the man had said and he was said. “What a cruel master I have! I have served him for life and he wants to he won’t let me spend my day in peace.” The monkey sob because he was sad and scared of what he would have to face the next day.

The writer’s purpose of writing this type of text is to ...  

  1. advise readers value others good deed in life

  2. implicitly teach readers not to waste resources

  3. engage readers through an amusing or interesting story

  4. show reader that human can be so cruel and ungrateful

  5. tell reader to respect the life of other beings including animals

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S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


Soal menanyakan tujuan penulisan dari tipe teks yang disediakan. Artinya kita tidak perlu membaca keseluruhan teks. Kita cukup mengidentifikasi jenisnya saja. “ One day ” mengindikasikan cerita ini adalah naratif atau cerita fiksi. Tujuan utama penulisan sebuah teks naratif adalah untuk menghibur pembaca melalui sebuah cerita, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Soal menanyakan tujuan penulisan dari tipe teks yang disediakan. Artinya kita tidak perlu membaca keseluruhan teks. Kita cukup mengidentifikasi jenisnya saja. “One day” mengindikasikan cerita ini adalah naratif atau cerita fiksi. Tujuan utama penulisan sebuah teks naratif adalah untuk menghibur pembaca melalui sebuah cerita, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah C. undefined 

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Pertanyaan serupa

The text is for the following question. Once, there were three little pigs who lived far in the forest. The first pig built a house out of straw, and it took only a day for him to finish his hous...



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