
Long ago, a rich man wanted the very best education for his son, and so he sent him abroad to learn other languages. A few years later when the young man returned home, the only language he had learnt was the dog's language. The father was so indignant that he drove his son out of the house, and said that he wished to have nothing further to do with him. The young man (48) ... his house with his broken heart. After a great deal of wandering, the young man arrived in a village which was terrorized by a group of fierce dogs. Although everybody had advised him not to wander there, the young man insisted on going into the wood where dogs lived, and, too much amazement, he returned without even a (49) ... He said that the dogs has spoken to him, explaining they were (50) ... because they were compelled by a spell to keep guard all the time over a rich treasure chest buried in the woods.The young man solved all the problems by digging up the chest for himself, so the dogs troubled the villagers no further and were free to wander.

Long ago, a rich man wanted the very best education for his son, and so he sent him abroad to learn other languages. A few years later when the young man returned home, the only language he had learnt was the dog's language. The father was so indignant that he drove his son out of the house, and said that he wished to have nothing further to do with him. The young man (48) ...  his house with his broken heart.

After a great deal of wandering, the young man arrived in a village which was terrorized by a group of fierce dogs. Although everybody had advised him not to wander there, the young man insisted on going into the wood where dogs lived, and, too much amazement, he returned without even a (49) ...  He said that the dogs has spoken to him, explaining they were (50) ... because they were compelled by a spell to keep guard all the time over a rich treasure chest buried in the woods.The young man solved all the problems by digging up the chest for himself, so the dogs troubled the villagers no further and were free to wander.

  1. fight

  2. bark

  3. pack

  4. crack

  5. scratch

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M. Ardini

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada

Jawaban terverifikasi


Berdasarkan kalimat “ the young man insisted on going into the wood where dogs lived, and, too much amazement, the returned without even a ... ” dapat diketahui bahwa meski pria itu memaksa pergi ke hutan di mana para anjing berada, ia kembali tanpa ada luka sedikitpun sehingga pilihan jawaban (E) adalah yang paling tepat karena ‘ scratch ’ dapat bermakna ‘goresan/cakaran’. Pilihan (A) salah karena artinya ‘pertarungan’ dan kurang tepat karena frasa yang digunakan adalah ‘kembali tanpa...’, kecuali ‘kembali tanpa melakukan...’, Pilihan (B) salah karena artinya ‘gonggongan’, Pilihan (C) salah karena artinya ‘kawanan’, dan Pilihan (D) salah karena artinya ‘retakan/pecahan’,

Berdasarkan kalimat “the young man insisted on going into the wood where dogs lived, and, too much amazement, the returned without even a ...” dapat diketahui bahwa meski pria itu memaksa pergi ke hutan di mana para anjing berada, ia kembali tanpa ada luka sedikitpun sehingga pilihan jawaban (E) adalah yang paling tepat karena ‘scratch’ dapat bermakna ‘goresan/cakaran’. Pilihan (A) salah karena artinya ‘pertarungan’ dan kurang tepat karena frasa yang digunakan adalah ‘kembali tanpa...’, kecuali ‘kembali tanpa melakukan...’, Pilihan (B) salah karena artinya ‘gonggongan’, Pilihan (C) salah karena artinya ‘kawanan’, dan Pilihan (D) salah karena artinya ‘retakan/pecahan’,

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


Pertanyaan serupa

Dari paragraf yang diberikan di atas, coba Anda identikasi mana saja kata-kata yang merupakan 5 proper nouns , 5 common nouns , 5 verbs , 5 adjectives , dan 2 adverbs a. 5 Proper Nouns: .... b. 5 ...



Jawaban terverifikasi


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