


Living in city offer more advantages than living in a country side. (1) ____ these benefits, most of the world’s population live in cities now. For starter, there are a lot more jobs available in cities. (2) ____ the job market is a lot more competitive, there are a lot of job opportunities and a wide variety of jobs available that someone can take part in. (3) ____, cities provide better infrastructure and education opportunities. There is always an opportunity to learn something new or develop something in a city. (4) ____ the pay is also higher in cities, people should save their money for their future children education. People in cities not only have to mind their children education fee, (5) ____ have to be able to pay high living cost everyday. That’s why some people sometimes still have to get into financial problem. (6) ____, they don’t have to worry this too much (7) ____getting loan from bank is easier in cities than in country sides. (8) ____ urban areas are heavily populated, public transportation is considered a basic requirement. A good public transport acts as a lifeline for city. (9)____, it needs to be reliable, accessible, (10) ____ efficient. Last but not least, the diversity of cities allows people to broaden their spectrum of personal and professional relationships. Learning about other cultures and discovering shared interests with someone from a different background helps someone grow into a more open and understanding individual. A social lifestyle in an urban area will expand people’s horizons and make interactions more meaningful. The most appropriate connective word to complete number 5is ....

 Living in city offer more advantages than living in a country side. (1) ____ these benefits, most of the world’s population live in cities now. For starter,  there are a lot more jobs available in cities. (2) ____ the job market is a lot more competitive, there are a lot of job opportunities and a wide variety of jobs available that someone can take part in. (3) ____, cities provide better infrastructure and education opportunities. There is always an opportunity to learn something new or develop something in a city. (4) ____ the pay is also higher in cities, people should save their money for their future children education. People in cities not only have to mind their children education fee, (5) ____ have to be able to pay high living cost everyday. That’s why some people sometimes still have to get into financial problem. (6) ____, they don’t have to worry this too much (7) ____getting loan from bank is easier in cities than in country sides. 
     (8) ____ urban areas are heavily populated, public transportation is considered a basic requirement. A good public transport acts as a lifeline for city. (9)____, it needs to be reliable, accessible, (10) ____ efficient. Last but not least, the diversity of cities allows people to broaden their spectrum of personal and professional relationships. Learning about other cultures and discovering shared interests with someone from a different background helps someone grow into a more open and understanding individual. A social lifestyle in an urban area will expand people’s horizons and make interactions more meaningful. 

The most appropriate connective word to complete number 5 is ....

  1. but

  2. and

  3. also

  4. but also

  5. as a result


S. Selena

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.



Soal tersebut menanyakan conjunction mana yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang nomor 5 Kalimat “ People in cities not only have to mind their children education fee, (5) ____ have to be able to pay high living cost everyday ” artinya "Orang-orang di kota tidak hanya harus memperhatikan biaya pendidikan anak-anaknya, ____ harus mampu membayar biaya hidup yang tinggi setiap harinya." Pada kalimat rumpang tersebut, terdapat frasa “ not only " yang pasangannya harus " but also ." Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D . Dengan demikian,arti kalimat tersebut adalah “Orang-orang di kota tidak hanya harus memperhatikan biaya pendidikan anak-anaknya, tetapi juga harus mampu membayar biaya hidup yang tinggi setiap harinya.” Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Soal tersebut menanyakan conjunction mana yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang nomor 5

Kalimat “People in cities not only have to mind their children education fee, (5) ____ have to be able to pay high living cost everyday” artinya "Orang-orang di kota tidak hanya harus memperhatikan biaya pendidikan anak-anaknya, ____ harus mampu membayar biaya hidup yang tinggi setiap harinya."

Pada kalimat rumpang tersebut, terdapat frasa “not only" yang pasangannya harus "but also." Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D. Dengan demikian, arti kalimat tersebut adalah “Orang-orang di kota tidak hanya harus memperhatikan biaya pendidikan anak-anaknya, tetapi juga harus mampu membayar biaya hidup yang tinggi setiap harinya.”

Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

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