

Listen and repeat. Read the text aloud with proper pronunciation and intonation. No 'Joker': Bronx 'Step Street' Becomes New York Hot Spot Thanks to Hit Movie Like most tourists, Patricia Osuna had a list of "must sees" on his trip to New York City: the Statue of Liberty, Times Square and, surprisingly, a steep flight of steps in an out-of-the-way neighborhood of the Bronx that has become a cult-movie landmark. This fall Osuna and a stream of fellow visitors have flocked to the stairway, known as a "step street," to see the real-life backdrop to a memorable scene in "Joker," the hit movie that tells the backstory of Batman's deranged foe, the Joker. The scene captures the moment that the loner Arthur Fleck, played by Joaquin Phoenix, transforms into the Joker as he dances down the steps to Gary Glitter's anthem "Rock & Roll Part 2," his hair dyed a menacing green and his face painted like a clown. "I'm visiting New York for the first time and I said that I have to come to visit the stairs," said Osuna, a 46-year-old bus company owner from Tijuana, Mexico. He then broke into a theatrical strut mimicking the Joker's dance down the stairs. Until recently not many tourists ventured into the Bronx, which has long sought to shake an unfair image as a crime-ridden backwater. The borough's biggest draws are the Bronx Zoo, the New York Botanical Gardens and the New York Yankees, the perennial baseball powerhouse that makes its home about a mile south of the steps, located on West 167th Street between Anderson and Shakespeare avenues. "It's good for us// You know, publicity," said Jose Cruz, a longtime resident who climbs the 131 steps at West 167th Street daily. "People don't have to be scared of the Bronx no more, the way they used to." Adopted from: https://www.thejakartapost.com/travel/2019/10/19/no-koker-bronx-step-street-becomes-new-york-hot-spot-thanks-to-hit-movie.html (April 11, 2020) In pairs, discuss the answers of the following questions, based on the text in Activity 3 Share your answers with the class. Why is there a sentence written between quotation marks? What do you call such a sentence?

Listen and repeat.
Read the text aloud with proper pronunciation and intonation.

No 'Joker': Bronx 'Step Street' Becomes New York Hot Spot Thanks to Hit Movie

      Like most tourists, Patricia Osuna had a list of "must sees" on his trip to New York City: the Statue of Liberty, Times Square and, surprisingly, a steep flight of steps in an out-of-the-way neighborhood of the Bronx that has become a cult-movie landmark.
      This fall Osuna and a stream of fellow visitors have flocked to the stairway, known as a "step street," to see the real-life backdrop to a memorable scene in "Joker," the hit movie that tells the backstory of Batman's deranged foe, the Joker.
      The scene captures the moment that the loner Arthur Fleck, played by Joaquin Phoenix, transforms into the Joker as he dances down the steps to Gary Glitter's anthem "Rock & Roll Part 2," his hair dyed a menacing green and his face painted like a clown.
      "I'm visiting New York for the first time and I said that I have to come to visit the stairs," said Osuna, a 46-year-old bus company owner from Tijuana, Mexico. He then broke into a theatrical strut mimicking the Joker's dance down the stairs.
      Until recently not many tourists ventured into the Bronx, which has long sought to shake an unfair image as a crime-ridden backwater. The borough's biggest draws are the Bronx Zoo, the New York Botanical Gardens and the New York Yankees, the perennial baseball powerhouse that makes its home about a mile south of the steps, located on West 167th Street between Anderson and Shakespeare avenues.
      "It's good for us// You know, publicity," said Jose Cruz, a longtime resident who climbs the 131 steps at West 167th Street daily. "People don't have to be scared of the Bronx no more, the way they used to."

Adopted from: https://www.thejakartapost.com/travel/2019/10/19/no-koker-bronx-step-street-becomes-new-york-hot-spot-thanks-to-hit-movie.html (April 11, 2020)

In pairs, discuss the answers of the following questions, based on the text in Activity 3
Share your answers with the class.

Why is there a sentence written between quotation marks? What do you call such a sentence? 

  1. ....undefined 

  2. ....undefined 

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B. Atlaliust

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Medan

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah: It is called 'quotes' which is used to provide direct information mentioned or written by someone in the news .

jawaban yang tepat adalah: It is called 'quotes' which is used to provide direct information mentioned or written by someone in the news.


Pertanyaan ini meminta kita memberikan informasi tentang kalimat yang ada dalam tanda kutip. Kalimat tersebut merupakan kutipan yang digunakan untuk memberikan informasi terkait kalimat langsung yang dikatakan atau dituliskan oleh seseorang dalam sebuah berita. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah: It is called 'quotes' which is used to provide direct information mentioned or written by someone in the news .

Pertanyaan ini meminta kita memberikan informasi tentang kalimat yang ada dalam tanda kutip. Kalimat tersebut merupakan kutipan yang digunakan untuk memberikan informasi terkait kalimat langsung yang dikatakan atau dituliskan oleh seseorang dalam sebuah berita.

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah: It is called 'quotes' which is used to provide direct information mentioned or written by someone in the news.

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