


Siti: This park is shady and the flowers are colourful. I like this park.

Lina: I do, too. This is wonderful park.

Edo: Look! There are butterflies.

Dayu: They're pretty.

Beni: There are garbage cans, too. We can keep this park clean.

Udin: I like studying here. The weather is nice. The park is beautiful. And, it's a beautiful day!

List the speakers' statements about the park. According to the students, the park has the following good qualities. This park is shady. ____. ____. ____. ____. ____.

List the speakers' statements about the park.

According to the students, the park has the following good qualities.

  1. This park is shady.
  2. ____.
  3. ____.
  4. ____.
  5. ____.
  6. ____.


S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi



Dalam soal ini, kita diminta untuk mendaftar sisi baik dari taman tersebut menurut para siswa. Dari percakapan pada teks, bisa kita simpulkan bahwa This park is shady. The flowers in the park are colourful. The park is wonderful. There are butterflies in the park. There are garbage cans in the park. The park is beautiful. Begitulah jawaban untuk soal ini.

Dalam soal ini, kita diminta untuk mendaftar sisi baik dari taman tersebut menurut para siswa. Dari percakapan pada teks, bisa kita simpulkan bahwa

  1. This park is shady.
  2. The flowers in the park are colourful.
  3. The park is wonderful.
  4. There are butterflies in the park.
  5. There are garbage cans in the park.
  6. The park is beautiful.

Begitulah jawaban untuk soal ini.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


Putri Tafca Viona Manalu

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Pertanyaan serupa

What is the most suitable answer for question number one?



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