


Read the text and answer questions 1 to 6.

    Once upon a time there was a young man called Lebai Malang. He was still a bachelor. He lived in a village near a river in West Sumatra.

    One day Lebai was very confused because he was invited to attend two parties. One was in the the Northern village and the other was in the Southern. He knew that the people in the Northern village were clever at cooking. Whatever they cooked it tasted very delicious, but on that day they killed just one buffalo. On the other hand, the people in the Southern village couldn't cook. Whatever they cooked it tasted salty, but they killed so many buffaloes, goats, and deer.

    Where did Lebai decide to go? To go North or South? In the end Lebai made up his mind to go North by boat. On his way to the Northern village, he saw many people going there. "How can I get food?" he thought. Then, he turned his boat to the Southern village. When he nearly got there, he changed his mind again, because he knew very well that the people in the Southern village couldn't cook. Then he turned his boat again to the Northern village. He felt very tired, because he rowed against the stream. What happened to him when he got to the Southern village? The party had been finished.

    Then, he returned home. When he got home, he saw just rice, no side dish. So he decided to go fishing. He took his fishing rod and put some rice inside a banana leaf. After waiting for an hour, he didn't catch any fish while he felt very hungry. When he would open the banana leaf, the boat moved and the rice fell into the water. Since then, all the people called him unlucky teacher or Lebai Malang.

Source: www.sakeracoder.blogspot.com/2011/05/pak-lebai-malang.html

Lebai Malang's problem was that he always got ....

Lebai Malang's problem was that he always got ....

  1. unlucky

  2. hungry

  3. dizzy

  4. tired


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah A. unlucky.

jawaban yang benar adalah A. unlucky.




Jawaban dari soal ini adalah A. unlucky. Soal menanyakan masalah apa yang selalu menimpa Lebai Malang. Untuk menjawab soal ini, hal yang dilakukan adalah membaca dan memahami teks tersebut. Pada teks, terdapat pernyataan " Since then, all the people called him unlucky teacher or Lebai Malang. " yang artinya "Sejak itu, semua orang memanggilnya guru sial atau Lebai Malang.” Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A. unlucky.

Jawaban dari soal ini adalah A. unlucky.

Soal menanyakan masalah apa yang selalu menimpa Lebai Malang.

Untuk menjawab soal ini, hal yang dilakukan adalah membaca dan memahami teks tersebut.

Pada teks, terdapat pernyataan "Since then, all the people called him unlucky teacher or Lebai Malang." yang artinya "Sejak itu, semua orang memanggilnya guru sial atau Lebai Malang.”

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A. unlucky.

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