


KOMODO DRAGON INDONESIA The Komodo dragon truly lives up to its name, being the largest species of lizard ever known and capable of growing up to 3m in lenght and weighting up to 70kg. This sheer size, when combined with the dragon's predatory nature, demands that caution be exercised when in its immediate vicinity. Moreover, the dragon is also famous for its ferocious bite, which combines serrated teeth with mysteriously toxic saliva. Scientist still debate whether this saliva contains venom or bacteria but either way, the dragon's fearsome reputation is well known. This killing machine is only found in few island in the Komodo National Park, a conversation area listed in two international groups: UNESCO World Heritage and the New 7 Wonders of Nature. The bite of Komodo is ferocious because ...



The Komodo dragon truly lives up to its name, being the largest species of lizard ever known and capable of growing up to 3m in lenght and weighting up to 70kg. This sheer size, when combined with the dragon's predatory nature, demands that caution be exercised when in its immediate vicinity.

Moreover, the dragon is also famous for its ferocious bite, which combines serrated teeth with mysteriously toxic saliva. Scientist still debate whether this saliva contains venom or bacteria but either way, the dragon's fearsome reputation is well known.

This killing machine is only found in few island in the Komodo National Park, a conversation area listed in two international groups: UNESCO World Heritage and the New 7 Wonders of Nature.

The bite of Komodo is ferocious because ...

  1. It has famous bite

  2. its size is very big

  3. it combines with its predatory nature

  4. it contains venom and bacteria

  5. it has a combination of serrated teeth and toxic saliva


Y. Yuli.Widya

Master Teacher

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Berdasarkan kalimat "...famous for its ferocious bites, which combines serrated teeth with mysteriously toxic saliva" yang terdapat pada kalimat pertama di paragraf ke-2, dapat diketahui bahwa gigitan komodo sangat berbahaya karena merupakan kombinasi dari gigi kecil bergerigi dan air liur beracun sehingga pilihan jawaban (E) adalah yang paling tepat.

Berdasarkan kalimat "...famous for its ferocious bites, which combines serrated teeth with mysteriously toxic saliva" yang terdapat pada kalimat pertama di paragraf ke-2, dapat diketahui bahwa gigitan komodo sangat berbahaya karena merupakan kombinasi dari gigi kecil bergerigi dan air liur beracun sehingga pilihan jawaban (E) adalah yang paling tepat.

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