

Kiwis are pear-shaped, flightless birds with long legs and beak. Though they look to be covered in fur, kiwis actually have thin, hair-like feathers. Their closest relatives are the emu, ostrich, cassowary and rhea. A kiwi is about the size of a chicken. There are five species. The largest is the northern brown kiwi, which grows up to 20 to 25 inches (50 to 65 centimeters) and weighs 3.2 to 11 lbs. (1.4 to 5 kilograms). The smallest is the little spotted kiwi. It grows up to 14 to 18 inches (35 to 45 cm) and weighs 4.3 lbs. (0.8 to 1.9 kg). The kiwi's muscular legs make up around a third of its total body weight, and according to the San Diego Zoo, a kiwi can outrun a person.Kiwis' wings are tiny, at around 1 inch (3 cm). Each wing has a small claw on the tip, though the claw has no known use. Kiwis are found only in New Zealand in forests, scrublands and grasslands. They sleep in burrows, hollow logs or under dense vegetation.Kiwis are typically 45 nocturnal , which means they sleep during the day and are active during the night. Throughout the night, they spend their time foraging for food. When it's not foraging, it is patrolling its territory. It will leave behind highly odorous droppings to mark its area as it walks. The only other kiwis allowed in its territory are its spouse, its young and its adult children. If another kiwi does wander into another's territory they will fight. Kiwis are omnivores. They munch on worms, grubs, bugs, berries and seeds that they find with their excellent sense of smell. Kiwis are the only birds that have nostrils on the tips of their beaks. Most birds have nostrils closer to their faces. Sumber: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com Which of these following sentences is true based on the passage above?

     Kiwis are pear-shaped, flightless birds with long legs and beak. Though they look to be covered in fur, kiwis actually have thin, hair-like feathers. Their closest relatives are the emu, ostrich, cassowary and rhea. 

      A kiwi is about the size of a chicken. There are five species. The largest is the northern brown kiwi, which grows up to 20 to 25 inches (50 to 65 centimeters) and weighs 3.2 to 11 lbs. (1.4 to 5 kilograms). The smallest is the little spotted kiwi. It grows up to 14 to 18 inches (35 to 45 cm) and weighs 4.3 lbs. (0.8 to 1.9 kg). The kiwi's muscular legs make up around a third of its total body weight, and according to the San Diego Zoo, a kiwi can outrun a person.Kiwis' wings are tiny, at around 1 inch (3 cm). Each wing has a small claw on the tip, though the claw has no known use.

     Kiwis are found only in New Zealand in forests, scrublands and grasslands. They sleep in burrows, hollow logs or under dense vegetation.Kiwis are typically 45nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day and are active during the night. Throughout the night, they spend their time foraging for food. 
When it's not foraging, it is patrolling its territory. It will leave behind highly odorous droppings to mark its area as it walks. The only other kiwis allowed in its territory are its spouse, its young and its adult children. If another kiwi does wander into another's territory they will fight.

     Kiwis are omnivores. They munch on worms, grubs, bugs, berries and seeds that they find with their excellent sense of smell. Kiwis are the only birds that have nostrils on the tips of their beaks. Most birds have nostrils closer to their faces.

Sumber: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com

Which of these following sentences is true based on the passage above?

  1. Kiwis cannot fly even though they are considered as birds.

  2. Kiwis eat food with plant origin.

  3. Kiwis’ size is smaller than chicken.

  4. The largest kiwis are southern brown kiwis.

  5. Kiwis are found only in New Zealand and Australia's forests.

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D. Yaniar

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


Jawaban B bertentangan dengan kenyataan yang ada pada teks di atas bahwasanya kiwi merupakan omnivore yang mana ia memakan segalanya: Kiwis are omnivores .Jawaban C juga bertentangan karena ukuran kiwi sebesar ayam: A kiwi is about the size of a chicken . Jawaban D juga tidak tepat karena kiwi terbesar adalah northern brown kiwi: The largest is the northern brown kiwi. Jawaban E juga tidak tepat karena kiwi hanya ditemukan di Selandia Baru saja tidak termasuk di Australia: Kiwis are found only in New Zealand in forests . Maka, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah: A ( Kiwis cannot fly even though they are considered as birds .)

Jawaban B bertentangan dengan kenyataan yang ada pada teks di atas bahwasanya kiwi merupakan omnivore yang mana ia memakan segalanya: Kiwis are omnivores.Jawaban C juga bertentangan karena ukuran kiwi sebesar ayam: A kiwi is about the size of a chicken. Jawaban D juga tidak tepat karena kiwi terbesar adalah northern brown kiwi: The largest is the northern brown kiwi. Jawaban E juga tidak tepat karena kiwi hanya ditemukan di Selandia Baru saja tidak termasuk di Australia: Kiwis are found only in New Zealand in forests. Maka, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah: A  (Kiwis cannot fly even though they are considered as birds.)

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