


King remained the major spokesperson for black aspirations, but, as in Montgomery, little-known individuals initiated most subsequent black movements. On February 1, 1960, four freshmen at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College began a wave of student sit-ins designed to end segregation at southern lunch counters. These protests spread rapidly throughout the South and led to the founding, in April 1960, of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). This student-led group, even more aggressive in its use of non-violent direct action tactics than King’s SCLC, stressed the development of autonomous local movements in contrast to SCLCs strategy of using local campaigns to achieve national civil rights reforms. The word “subsequent” in (line 25) is closest in the meaning to….

King remained the major spokesperson for black aspirations, but, as in Montgomery, little-known individuals initiated most subsequent black movements. On February 1, 1960, four freshmen at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College began a wave of student sit-ins designed to end segregation at southern lunch counters. These protests spread rapidly throughout the South and led to the founding, in April 1960, of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). This student-led group, even more aggressive in its use of non-violent direct action tactics than King’s SCLC, stressed the development of autonomous local movements in contrast to SCLCs strategy of using local campaigns to achieve national civil rights reforms.


The word “subsequent” in (line 25) is closest in the meaning to….

  1. preceding

  2. coinciding

  3. concur

  4. following

  5. coming


N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

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subsequent artinya adalah berikutnya. Sinonimnya following. coinciding: bersamaan waktu, concure: setuju, preceding: mendahului dan coming : datang.

subsequent artinya adalah berikutnya. Sinonimnya following. coinciding: bersamaan waktu, concure: setuju, preceding: mendahului dan coming: datang.

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