


Jl. Merpati 56 Jakarta January 10th, 2013 Dear Mely, I'm sorry, I haven't written for so long. My family and I have just returned from an interesting holiday at Lake Maninjau near padang. The lake was a crater surrounded by densed forest and rice fields. We swam in the lake, ate fish from the lake and enjoyed the cool breezes. After that, we had a two hour trip to Bukit Tinggi, a small hill top town which was clean, cool and friendly. Our trip around the hill took us to the coffe, clove and cinnamon plantation. The traditional Minangkabau houses, with the roof shaped like a buffalo's horn can be seen everywhere. I really enjoy my vacation. Do come over and have a look sometime. Love, Tiara What does the text tell you about?

Jl. Merpati 56 Jakarta

January 10th, 2013

Dear Mely,

I'm sorry, I haven't written for so long. My family and I have just returned from an interesting holiday at Lake Maninjau near padang. The lake was a crater surrounded by densed forest and rice fields. We swam in the lake, ate fish from the lake and enjoyed the cool breezes.

After that, we had a two hour trip to Bukit Tinggi, a small hill top town which was clean, cool and friendly. Our trip around the hill took us to the coffe, clove and cinnamon plantation. The traditional Minangkabau houses, with the roof shaped like a buffalo's horn can be seen everywhere.

I really enjoy my vacation. Do come over and have a look sometime.




What does the text tell you about?

  1. Traditional Minangkabau houses

  2. Traveling guidance for visitors

  3. The amazing view of West Sumatera

  4. A trip throughout West Sumatera


S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi



Berdasarkan surat di atas, isi surat tersebut adalah tentang suatu perjalanan ke Sumatera Barat. Jawaban A dan C salah karena isi surat itu tidak hanya tentang rumah-rumah traditional Minangkabau dan pemandangan yang menakjubkan di Sumatera Barat. Jawaban B salah karena itu bukanlah petunjuk perjalanan wisata untuk turis. Maka jawaban D adalah jawaban yang tepat.

Berdasarkan surat di atas, isi surat tersebut adalah tentang suatu perjalanan ke Sumatera Barat. Jawaban A dan C salah karena isi surat itu tidak hanya tentang rumah-rumah traditional Minangkabau dan pemandangan yang menakjubkan di Sumatera Barat. Jawaban B salah karena itu bukanlah petunjuk perjalanan wisata untuk turis. Maka jawaban D adalah jawaban yang tepat.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


Sylva bunga fahira

Makasih ❤️



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Jawaban terverifikasi


Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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