


Jawa Timur Park For people in East Java, Jatim Park may have been heard many times because it is one of the famous tourist objects in East Java province. Jatim Park offers a recreation pace as well as a study center. Jatim Park is located at Jl. Kartika 2 Barn, East Java. The location is easy to reach because it is only 2,5 kilometers from Batu. This tourist object is about 22 hectares in width. Visitors can enjoy more then 36 kinds of facilities that will entertain and educate them. After passing the gate, the visitor will find Galvy Nusantara, continue further we will step into Taman Sejarah which display the miniature size of famous landmark in East Java like Sumberawan Tample, Custom House of Kiai Hasan Besari Pnorogo and Sumerawan Statue. Another facility that can be enjoyd is Agro Park. This area has an array of rare crops, fruits and animal diorama which consist of unique animals that have been conserved. Jatim Park is suitable for family and school recreation. The recreation area sites offer precious tour as an alternative media of study. How many facility can be enjoyed by visitors?

Jawa Timur Park

For people in East Java, Jatim Park may have been heard many times because it is one of the famous tourist objects in East Java province. Jatim Park offers a recreation pace as well as a study center. Jatim Park is located at Jl. Kartika 2 Barn, East Java. The location is easy to reach because it is only 2,5 kilometers from Batu. This tourist object is about 22 hectares in width.

Visitors can enjoy more then 36 kinds of facilities that will entertain and educate them. After passing the gate, the visitor will find Galvy Nusantara, continue further we will step into Taman Sejarah which display the miniature size of famous landmark in East Java like Sumberawan Tample, Custom House of Kiai Hasan Besari Pnorogo and Sumerawan Statue.

Another facility that can be enjoyd is Agro Park. This area has an array of rare crops, fruits and animal diorama which consist of unique animals that have been conserved. Jatim Park is suitable for family and school recreation. The recreation area sites offer precious tour as an alternative media of study.
How many facility can be enjoyed by visitors?

  1.   Two

  2. Five

  3. Twenty two

  4. Thirty six


S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi



Berdasarkan kalimat “Visitors can enjoy more than 36 kinds of facilities that will entertain and educate them.”, dapat diketahui bahwa pengujung dapat menikmati lebih dari 36 jenis fasilitas yang dapat meghibur dan mengedukasi mereka, sehingga pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (D).

Berdasarkan kalimat “Visitors can enjoy more than 36 kinds of facilities that will entertain and educate them.”, dapat diketahui bahwa pengujung dapat menikmati lebih dari 36 jenis fasilitas yang dapat meghibur dan mengedukasi mereka, sehingga pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (D).

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Jawaban terverifikasi


Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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