


Soal Teks Narrative Legend 11

    Once upon a time there was a poor widow who had an only son named Jack.  They were so poor that they didn’t have anything except a cow.  When the cow had grown too old, his mother sent Jack to the market to sell it.  On the way to the market, Jack met a butcher who had some beautiful beans in his hand.  The butcher told the boy that the beans were of great value and persuaded the silly lad to sell the cow for the beans.

    Jack brought them, happily.  When he told his mother about this, his mother became so angry that she threw the beans out of the window.  When Jack woke up in the morning, he felt the sun shining into a pan of his room, but all the rest was quite dark and shady.  So he jumped to the window.  What did he see? The beanstalk grew up quite close past Jack’s window.  He opened the window and jumped to the beanstalk which ran up just like a big ladder

    He climbed and climbed till at last he reached the sky.  While looking around, he saw a very huge castle.  He was very amazed.  Then Jack walked along the path leading to the castle.  There was a big tail woman on the doorstep.  Jack greeted her and asked for the giantess mercy to give him breakfast, because he fell very hungry.  Although the giantess grumbled at first, finally she gave Jack a hunk of bread and cheese and a jug of milk.

    Jack hadn’t finished when the whole house began to tremble with the noise of someone’s coming.  “Oh! It’s my husband!” cried the giantess.  “What on earth shall I do?” Hastily the giantess opened a very big cupboard and hid Jack there.

Jack’s mother looked very furious when jack told that ____

Jack’s mother looked very furious when jack told that ____

  1. the beans were precious

  2. the butcher bought his cow

  3. he traded his cow for the beans

  4. he had sold his cow to a butcher

  5. he met a butcher an the way to the market


D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

jawaban yang tepat adalah C.undefined



Arti dari kalimat pertanyaan di atas adalah "Ibu Jack terlihat sangat marah ketika jack mengatakan bahwa ____". Untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut dengan jawaban yang tepat kita dapat melihat cuplikan kalimat berikut " The butcher told the boy that the beans were of great value and persuaded the silly lad to sell the cow for the beans. Jack brought them, happily.When he told his mother about this, his mother became so angry that she threw the beans out of the window ". Arti dari kalimat tersebut adalah "Tukang daging memberi tahu pemuda itu bahwa kacang-kacangan itu sangat berharga dan membujuk pemuda bodoh tersebut untuk menjual sapinya untuk ditukar dengan kacang-kacangan. Jack membawanya pulang dengan senang. Ketika dia memberi tahu ibunya tentang hal ini, ibunya menjadi sangat marah sehingga dia melempar kacang itu ke luar jendela". Dari cuplikan kalimat tersebut dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa ibu Jack sangat marah ketika tahu bahwa Jack menjual sapinya untuk ditukar dengan kacang-kacangan. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Arti dari kalimat pertanyaan di atas adalah "Ibu Jack terlihat sangat marah ketika jack mengatakan bahwa ____". Untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut dengan jawaban yang tepat kita dapat melihat cuplikan kalimat berikut "The butcher told the boy that the beans were of great value and persuaded the silly lad to sell the cow for the beans. Jack brought them, happily.  When he told his mother about this, his mother became so angry that she threw the beans out of the window". Arti dari kalimat tersebut adalah "Tukang daging memberi tahu pemuda itu bahwa kacang-kacangan itu sangat berharga dan membujuk pemuda bodoh tersebut untuk menjual sapinya untuk ditukar dengan kacang-kacangan. Jack membawanya pulang dengan senang. Ketika dia memberi tahu ibunya tentang hal ini, ibunya menjadi sangat marah sehingga dia melempar kacang itu ke luar jendela". 

Dari cuplikan kalimat tersebut dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa ibu Jack sangat marah ketika tahu bahwa Jack menjual sapinya untuk ditukar dengan kacang-kacangan. 

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.undefined

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