


My First Flight

It was in 1989 when my brother asked me to go with him to Surabaya by plane. I had never travelled by plane before, so everything on the plane was strange to me. When the flight attendants went along the aisle and offered some drinks and snacks, I refused them because I thought I had to pay for them as I had often found on the train or bus. Then, my brother explained that they were free o charge. At first, I felt embarrassed, but then I accepted the beverages and snacks and enjoyed them very much. I even asked for some more soft drinks and roars peanuts. The flight from Solo to Surabaya was a short one. However, it gave a new and unforgettable experience.

It was the ____time the writer went by plane.

It was the ____ time the writer went by plane.

  1. First

  2. Second

  3. Third

  4. Fourth


S. Adena

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang te[at adalah A.

jawaban yang te[at adalah A.



Dari kalimat kedua pada cerita di atas, dituliskan bahwa penulis belum pernah bepergian menggunakan pesaawt sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bhawa cerita di atas adalah pengalaman pertamanya. Jadi jawaban yang te[at adalah A.

Dari kalimat kedua pada cerita di atas, dituliskan bahwa penulis belum pernah bepergian menggunakan pesaawt sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bhawa cerita di atas adalah pengalaman pertamanya.

Jadi jawaban yang te[at adalah A.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

What did she say about the weather in Lombok?



Jawaban terverifikasi


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