
    Yogyakarta (JP)- National flag carrier Garuda Indonesia has temporarily diverted its flights intended for Adisucipto Airport in Yogyakarta to Adisumarmo Airport in Surakarta, Central Java, after one of its planes overshot an Adisucipto runway lane on Wednesday night.

    “All of Garuda Indonesia flights heading toward Yogyakarta, for a total of 34 flights, now will [be diverted] to Surakarta,” Garuda Indonesia VP of corporate communications Benny S. Butarbutar said in an official statement on Thursday.

    The flights include 10 coming from and going to Jakarta, three to and from Denpasar, Bali, two to and from Makassar, South Sulawesi, and one flight from Surabaya, East Java.

    The airline would provide a bus at Adisumarmo Airport to transport passengers to Yogyakarta.

    Garuda Indonesia is still evacuating the Boeing 737-800 NG, which slipped on the runway and overshot a lane on Wednesday night. It carried 123 passengers, none of whom were harmed.

    Garuda aims to finish evacuating the aircraft on Thursday afternoon. (bbn)

    Taken from :

It can be concluded from the text that ____.

It can be concluded from the text that ____.

  1. Adisucipto Airport will be closed after the incident

  2. Because of the incident, Garuda Indonesia redirected Yogyakarta flights to Surakarta permanently

  3. Garuda Indonesia supplied bus to support passengers from Surakarta to yogyakarta

  4. Garuda Indonesia had been finished evacuating its plane when this news was reported

  5. There are a lot of passengers were harmed due to that accident

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R. Rani

Master Teacher

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jawaban yang benar adalah C.

jawaban yang benar adalah C.


Soal di atas menanyakan hal apa yang dapat kita simpulkan dari teks. Berdasarkan wacana di atas dapat kita simpulkanbahwa Garuda Indonesia menyediakan bus untuk membawa penumpang dari Surakarta ke yogyakarta atau Garuda Indonesia supplied bus to support passengers from Surakarta to yogyakarta sebagaimana ditunjukan dalam kalimat " The airline would provide a bus at Adisumarmo Airport to transport passengers to Yogyakarta. " Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Soal di atas menanyakan hal apa yang dapat kita simpulkan dari teks.

Berdasarkan wacana di atas dapat kita simpulkan bahwa Garuda Indonesia menyediakan bus untuk membawa penumpang dari Surakarta ke yogyakarta atau Garuda Indonesia supplied bus to support passengers from Surakarta to yogyakarta sebagaimana ditunjukan dalam kalimat "The airline would provide a bus at Adisumarmo Airport to transport passengers to Yogyakarta."

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

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