


Internet challenges can be fascinating to teens, who can be both impulsive and drawn to behaviour that draw attention, especially in social media. Teens brains are still developing. The part of the brain that handle national thought still hasn fully functioned yet. This means teens are naturally more impulsive and likely to act before thinking through all of the ramifications Some challenges, like the ice bucket challenge or the mannequin challenge, can be fun and positive activities. But other challenges that top up on the Internet are dangerous and can head to permanent harm You may have heard of the cinnamon challenge, the tide pom challenge, the choking game or the salt and ice challenge. All of these can caused serious injuries. Being award of these challenges and understanding why they sure teens is important for all parents. It is important for teens to be award of the danger for each challenge. Ask them to considere the worst outcome, turns and trip to the hospital for example. Train them to make better choice and pick safer but still fun challenges Adoptep from: https://wws.dailyherald.come/entlife/20180415/how parents-can-help-teens-resist-dangerous-internet-challenges (5th December 2018) What is the writer suggestion to the parents?

Internet challenges can be fascinating to teens, who can be both impulsive and drawn to behaviour that draw attention, especially in social media. Teens brains are still developing. The part of the brain that handle national thought still hasn fully functioned yet. This means teens are naturally more impulsive and likely to act before thinking through all of the ramifications Some challenges, like the ice bucket challenge or the mannequin challenge, can be fun and positive activities. But other challenges that top up on the Internet are dangerous and can head to permanent harm You may have heard of the cinnamon challenge, the tide pom challenge, the choking game or the salt and ice challenge. All of these can caused serious injuries. Being award of these challenges and understanding why they sure teens is important for all parents. It is important for teens to be award of the danger for each challenge. Ask them to considere the worst outcome, turns and trip to the hospital for example. Train them to make better choice and pick safer but still fun challenges Adoptep from: https://wws.dailyherald.come/entlife/20180415/how parents-can-help-teens-resist-dangerous-internet-challenges (5th December 2018) What is the writer suggestion to the parents?

  1. Forbid their teens to join Internet challenges.

  2. Select appropriate challenges for their teens.

  3. Let others do the challenges to see its safety

  4. Make teens deciding which challenge is harmless

  5. Make teens asking for permission to do the challenges.



Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Raden Intan Lampung

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Jawaban : D. Make teens deciding which challenge is harmless Pembahasan : Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada teks tersebut pada paragraf terakhir di kalimat “This means teens are naturally more impulsive and likely to act before thinking through all of the ramifications.” Penulis memberikan saran untuk orangtua mengajak para remaja menentukan hal yang menantang untuk mereka. Maka pernyataan yang tepat untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas adalah “make teens deciding which challenge is harmless”

Jawaban          : D. Make teens deciding which challenge is harmless

Pembahasan    :

Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada teks tersebut pada paragraf terakhir di kalimat “This means teens are naturally more impulsive and likely to act before thinking through all of the ramifications.” Penulis memberikan saran untuk orangtua mengajak para remaja menentukan hal yang menantang untuk mereka. Maka pernyataan yang tepat untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas adalah “make teens deciding which challenge is harmless”

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Internet challenges can be fascinating to teens, who can be both impulsive and drawn to behaviour that draw attention, especially in social media. Teens brains are still developing. The part of the br...



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