


Indonesia wins 2-0, but falls short of qualifying Rizal Harahap THE JAKARTA POST/PEKANBARU Indonesia put in an impresive performance in their 2-0 defeat of singapore, but still failed to quality for next year's AFC U-22 soccer championship after finishing a third place at the end of Group E matches in pekanbaru,Riau on sunday. The two goals for the homeside, which welcomed Coach Aji Santoso back the sidelines from a four marches suspension, both came in the second half from Agung Supriyanto. He scored his first goal from the penalty box before finding his second several minutes later. He beat a defender with a swift maneuver from the right flank and had the goalkeeper gasping as his thunderous goal blasted into the far post. The young Indonesians collected 9 points, or just one point behind runner-up Australia, out of a six strong field of competitors. Japan topped the standing with a perfect collection 20-2 goal margin. Singapore came in fourth with 7 points followed by Timor Leste with 3 points and Macau with no points. In earlier matches in the day, favorite Japan continued their dominant form with a 5-0 drubbing of another tournament favorite Australia, while Timor Leste chalked up their first victory, a 4-1 over last-placed Macau. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

                                                                                                               Indonesia wins 2-0, but falls short of qualifying

Rizal Harahap


                Indonesia put in an impresive performance in their 2-0 defeat of singapore, but still failed to quality for next year's AFC U-22 soccer championship after finishing a third place at the end of Group E matches in pekanbaru,Riau on sunday.

               The two goals for  the homeside, which welcomed Coach Aji Santoso back the sidelines from a four marches suspension, both came in the second half from Agung Supriyanto.

              He scored his first goal from the penalty box before finding his second several minutes later. He beat a defender with a swift maneuver from the right flank and had the goalkeeper gasping as his thunderous goal blasted into the far post.

              The young Indonesians collected 9 points, or just one point behind runner-up Australia, out of a six strong field of competitors. Japan topped the standing with a perfect collection 20-2 goal margin.

               Singapore came in fourth with 7 points followed by Timor Leste with 3 points  and Macau with no points.

               In earlier matches in the day, favorite Japan continued their dominant form with a 5-0 drubbing of another tournament favorite Australia, while Timor Leste chalked up their first victory, a 4-1 over last-placed Macau.

What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

  1. Indonesia failed to qualify next year's AFC U-22 despite their winning over Singapore

  2. Indonesia and Singapore participated in the AFC U-22 in Pekanbaru, Riau

  3. Indonesia's impressive performnace has trounced Singapore by 2-0

  4. Indonesia did not perform well but could defeat Singapore by 2-0

  5. Indonesia could defeat Singapore by 2-0


M. Ardini

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Berdasarkan informasi di paragraf pertama, dapat diketahui bahwa Indonesia gagal lolos kualifikasi liga AFC U-22 tahun depan karena meraih juara 3 di pertandingan akhir Grup E meskipun telah mengalahkan Singapura dengan skor 2-0 sehingga pilihan jawabanIndonesia failed to qualify next year's AFC U-22 despite their winning over Singapore yang paling tepat.

Berdasarkan informasi di paragraf pertama, dapat diketahui bahwa Indonesia gagal lolos kualifikasi liga AFC U-22 tahun depan karena meraih juara 3 di pertandingan akhir Grup E meskipun telah mengalahkan Singapura dengan skor 2-0 sehingga pilihan jawaban Indonesia failed to qualify next year's AFC U-22 despite their winning over Singapore  yang paling tepat.

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WHat is the main idea of the second paragraph?



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