


Indonesia's Biggest Cinematic Achievment I belive there's a huge responsibility in adapting the number 1 best selling novel. The book was certainly popular and everybody worships this work of Andrea Hirata. I didn't expect anything too spectacular from the movie, because as spectacular the book supposedly to be a letdown. Laskar Pelangi is no doubt, one of the best Indonesian movies. It beats the Denias: Senandung di Atas Awan, and Ayat-Ayat Cinta (The Verses of Love). It's a 5 star masterpiece in Indonesia, but still deserves 4.5-5 Star in Hollywood stage. The movie contains social and educational issues and strongly declares that everyone needs education and every one needs to be educated. We can learn many life lessons from the movie. I can't stop saying that Laskar Pelangi is a marvelous picture. As a matter of fact, I cant't even name a flaw! The cast are perfect, as many of the stars are Indonesian leading and popular actors. Credit to Cut mini Theo since she brought such a strong performance as a determined teacher. Author Andrea Hirata is a genius since the storyline is beautiful, touching, and engaging at the same time. So get yourself boxes of Kleenex to watch the movie good and safe it from being a letdown. Even the author was amazed with the crew's job and state the movie is better than his original writing. In additions, the movic exposed the scenery in Belitong Island which is beautiful. A testimony: Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono even considered to watch this big motion picture Laskar Pelangi. Andrea Hirata was happy and satisfied because ...

Indonesia's Biggest Cinematic Achievment

I belive there's a huge responsibility in adapting the number 1 best selling novel. The book was certainly popular and everybody worships this work of Andrea Hirata. I didn't expect anything too spectacular from the movie, because as spectacular the book supposedly to be a letdown.

Laskar Pelangi is no doubt, one of the best Indonesian movies. It beats the Denias: Senandung di Atas Awan, and Ayat-Ayat Cinta (The Verses of Love). It's a 5 star masterpiece in Indonesia, but still deserves 4.5-5 Star in Hollywood stage. The movie contains social and educational issues and strongly declares that everyone needs education and every one needs to be educated. We can learn many life lessons from the movie.

I can't stop saying that Laskar Pelangi is a marvelous picture. As a matter of fact, I cant't even name a flaw! The cast are perfect, as many of the stars are Indonesian leading and popular actors. Credit to Cut mini Theo since she brought such a strong performance as a determined teacher. Author Andrea Hirata is a genius since the storyline is beautiful, touching, and engaging at the same time. So get yourself boxes of Kleenex to watch the movie good and safe it from being a letdown. Even the author was amazed with the crew's job and state the movie is better than his original writing. In additions, the movic exposed the scenery in Belitong Island which is beautiful.

A testimony: Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono even considered to watch this big motion picture Laskar Pelangi.


Andrea Hirata was happy and satisfied because ...

  1. the movie introduces the determined teacher of Belitong

  2. the movie is much better than his original writing

  3. the movie was directed by a women director

  4. Mira Lesmana is a well known producer

  5. the movie is starred by a famous actress


T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Berdasarkan kalimat “ Even the author was amazed with the crew’s job and state the movie is better than his original writing ” yang terdapat pada kalimat ke-8 di paragraf ke-3, dapat diketahui bahwa penulis buku, yakni Andrea Hirata, merasa takjub (senang dan puas) karena filmnya lebih bagus dari tulisan cerita aslinya sehingga pilihan jawaban (B) adalah yang paling tepat.

Berdasarkan kalimat “Even the author was amazed with the crew’s job and state the movie is better than his original writing” yang terdapat pada kalimat ke-8 di paragraf ke-3, dapat diketahui bahwa penulis buku, yakni Andrea Hirata, merasa takjub (senang dan puas) karena filmnya lebih bagus dari tulisan cerita aslinya sehingga pilihan jawaban (B) adalah yang paling tepat.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

Based on the text, the film has proven that Axelle Carolyn is ...



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