


In winner and spring, the lake located northwest of Osoyoos in British Columbia Okanagan Valley look just like any other body of water. But as most of the water starts to evaporate in summer, hundreds of huge bring tools are leftbehind, landscape of yellow, green and blue spots. The bbc calls the appropriately named Spotted Lake the most magical place in Canada leaving a polka-rotted The colorful tools are the result of a high concentration of minerals, including calcium, sodium sulphates and magnesium sulphate that have collected in the water. The minerals and a collection of salt have run off from surrounding hills. The various colour depends on the concentration of minerals in each pool. Spotted Lake has been considered a sacred place for centuries by the indigenous people of the Okanagan Nation, according to the British Columbia Visitor Centre. They believed that each of the different circles had different healing and medicinal properties. The lake was originally known to the First Nation of the Okanagan Valley as Kliluk. Visitors who want to view the lake cant get too up close and personal. A fence has been erected to protect the area with a sign explaining that its a culturally and ecologically sensitive area. But there are plenty of good vantage spots along the highway to see the lake famous polka dots. Adoptep from: https://wws.man.come/earth-matter/wilderness resources/logs/mystery-canada-spotted-lake (5th December 2018) The colorful tools are the result of a high concentration of minerals.... (Paragraph 2) The underlined word can be replaced by...

In winner and spring, the lake located northwest of Osoyoos in British Columbia Okanagan Valley look just like any other body of water. But as most of the water starts to evaporate in summer, hundreds of huge bring tools are leftbehind, landscape of yellow, green and blue spots. The bbc calls the appropriately named Spotted Lake the most magical place in Canada leaving a polka-rotted The colorful tools are the result of a high concentration of minerals, including calcium, sodium sulphates and magnesium sulphate that have collected in the water. The minerals and a collection of salt have run off from surrounding hills. The various colour depends on the concentration of minerals in each pool. Spotted Lake has been considered a sacred place for centuries by the indigenous people of the Okanagan Nation, according to the British Columbia Visitor Centre. They believed that each of the different circles had different healing and medicinal properties. The lake was originally known to the First Nation of the Okanagan Valley as Kliluk. Visitors who want to view the lake cant get too up close and personal. A fence has been erected to protect the area with a sign explaining that its a culturally and ecologically sensitive area. But there are plenty of good vantage spots along the highway to see the lake famous polka dots. Adoptep from: https://wws.man.come/earth-matter/wilderness resources/logs/mystery-canada-spotted-lake (5th December 2018)

The colorful tools are the result of a high concentration of minerals.... (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word can be replaced by...

  1. basis

  2. product

  3. process

  4. contribution

  5. manifestation



Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Raden Intan Lampung

Jawaban terverifikasi



Jawaban : B. product Pembahasan : Kata ‘result’ dalam kalimat “The colorful pools are the result of a high concentration of minerals ….” bermakna hasil. Kata tersebut memiliki makna yang berdekatan dengan kata ‘product’. Sedangkan kata ‘basis’ bermakna dasar, lalu kata ‘process’ bermakna proses, kata ‘contribution’ bermakna kontribusi, dan kata ‘manifestation’ bermakna perwujudan.

Jawaban          : B. product

Pembahasan    :

Kata ‘result’ dalam kalimat “The colorful pools are the result of a high concentration of minerals ….” bermakna hasil. Kata tersebut memiliki makna yang berdekatan dengan kata ‘product’. Sedangkan kata ‘basis’ bermakna dasar, lalu kata ‘process’ bermakna proses,  kata ‘contribution’ bermakna kontribusi, dan kata ‘manifestation’ bermakna perwujudan.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Answer the questions based on the text. The new information provided by the fifth paragraph is____



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