

Activity 5

Read the text and answer the following questions.

    Lavender is a type of plant found on almost all continents. It has a purplish colour. It has a colour named after it, called lavender. Its Latin and scientific name is Lavandula.

   Lavenders are very popular among gardeners. Sometimes their petals are dried and sealed in pouches for good scent, and sometimes put inside clothes to prevent moths, which can damage the clothes,

   Lavenders are also used in cake decorating because the flowers can become candied. Sometimes they are used in flavouring baked goods and chocolate desserts, and sometimes people use them to make a very delicious “lavender sugar”. Lavender flowers are also used to make tea. The French make lavender syrup, which is used to make lavender scones and lavender marshmallows.

    Lavenders are sometimes put in medicine to prevent infection - such as lavender oil, that was used in World War I to disinfect walls and floors of the hospital. As the folk wisdom says, lavender oil is also helpful to headaches when rubbed into your temple, and lavender tea helps you relax before bed time. Lavender is also very helpful when applied to insect bites. Sometimes, dried petals of lavender are used to throw confetti at a wedding.

Source: https://simple wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavender

If people want to keep the lavenderscents, what should they do?

If people want to keep the lavender scents, what should they do?

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah "They should dry the lavender's petals and seal them in pouches." .

jawaban yang benar adalah "They should dry the lavender's petals and seal them in pouches.".



Jawaban untuk soal iniadalah "They should dry the lavender's petals and seal them in pouches." . Soal menanyakan tentang cara menjaga aromalavender . Jawaban dari pertanyaan ini dapat ditemukan di paragraf kedua, pada kalimat berikut, " Sometimes their petals are dried and sealed in pouches for good scent " . Artinya, "Kadang-kadang kelopak mereka dikeringkan dan disegel dalam kantong untuk aroma wanginya". Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "They should dry the lavender's petals and seal them in pouches." .

Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah "They should dry the lavender's petals and seal them in pouches.".

Soal menanyakan tentang cara menjaga aroma lavender.

Jawaban dari pertanyaan ini dapat ditemukan di paragraf kedua, pada kalimat berikut, "Sometimes their petals are dried and sealed in pouches for good scent".

Artinya, "Kadang-kadang kelopak mereka dikeringkan dan disegel dalam kantong untuk aroma wanginya".

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "They should dry the lavender's petals and seal them in pouches.".

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!



Pertanyaan serupa

Activity 9 Read the text again and then answer the following questions. How do the elephants help human to do their work?



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