


Identify the sentence that belongs to recommendation!

Identify the sentence that belongs to recommendation!

  1. If you want to speak English like a native speaker, you can’t simply rely on having an advanced vocabulary.

  2. You can mix pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your English progress.

  3. We all know that repetition is key to remembering new vocabulary, and with music, we give ourselves that repetition willingly.

  4. The elaboration above shows that you should start learning English through music and songs since it is very enjoyable and fun.

  5. Songwriters often have to come up with creative language in order to make something rhyme or fit in with the rhythm of the song.


S. Selena

Master Teacher

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kalimat yang merupakan rekomendasi adalah D.

kalimat yang merupakan rekomendasi adalah D. 



Rekomendasi dalam sebuah teks narasi ditandai dengan penggunaan kata kerja bantu seperti must, should, ought to, dan had better . Jadi, kalimat yang merupakan rekomendasi adalah D.

Rekomendasi dalam sebuah teks narasi ditandai dengan penggunaan kata kerja bantu seperti must, should, ought to, dan had better. Jadi, kalimat yang merupakan rekomendasi adalah D. 

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