


I’m so happy to have a close friend. She is my beloved classmate, Fafa. We’ve known each other since we were in grade 8. We were in the same class, and we still are in grade 9 until now. Fafa is a very kind and friendly girl. She is always ready to help other people. Although she comes from a rich family, she never looks down on other people. She is very sociable and has a lot of friends. She can interact easily with people from different ages. Therefore, she is also popular among teachers and parents. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

                I’m so happy to have a close friend. She is my beloved classmate, Fafa. We’ve known each other since we were in grade 8. We were in the same class, and we still are in grade 9 until now.

                Fafa is a very kind and friendly girl. She is always ready to help other people. Although she comes from a rich family, she never looks down on other people. She is very sociable and has a lot of friends. She can interact easily with people from different ages. Therefore, she is also popular among teachers and parents.

What is the main idea of paragraph two?

  1. Fafa has good characters

  2. Fafa comes from a rich family

  3. Fafa is an eighth grader student

  4. Fafa is popular among neighbors


T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Pada paragraf 2 dijelaskan bahwa Fafa adalah seseorang yang baik dan ramah. Ia selalu siap untuk membantu orang lain, walaupun ia berasal dari keluarga yang kaya tapi ia tidak pernah merendahkan orang lain. Ia mudah bersosialisasi dan mempunyai banyak teman. Dari informasi tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (A) ‘Fafa has good characters’ atau ‘Fafa memiliki karakter yang baik’

Pada paragraf 2 dijelaskan bahwa Fafa adalah seseorang yang baik dan ramah. Ia selalu siap untuk membantu orang lain, walaupun ia berasal dari keluarga yang kaya tapi ia tidak pernah merendahkan orang lain. Ia mudah bersosialisasi dan mempunyai banyak teman. Dari informasi tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (A) ‘Fafa has good characters’ atau ‘Fafa memiliki karakter yang baik’

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