


Hurricanes are giant, spiraling tropical storms that can pack wind speeds of over 160 miles (257 kilometers) an hour and unleash more than 2.4 trillion gallons (9 trillion liters) of rain a day. Hurricanes begin as tropical disturbances in warm ocean waters with surface temperatures of least 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.5 degrees Celcius). These low pressure systems are fed by energy from the warm seas. If a storm achieves wind of 38 miles (61 kilometers) an hour, it becomes known as a tropical depression. A tropical depression becomes a tropical storm, when its sustained wind speeds top 39 miles (63 kilometer) an hour. When a strom’s sustained wind speeds reach 74 miles (119 kilometers) an hour, it becomes a hurricane and earns a category rating of 1 to 5 on the Saffir-Simpson. A tropical storm happens when storm's wind speeds reach ... miles an hour.

Hurricanes are giant, spiraling tropical storms that can pack wind speeds of over 160 miles (257 kilometers) an hour and unleash more than 2.4 trillion gallons (9 trillion liters) of rain a day.
Hurricanes begin as tropical disturbances in warm ocean waters with surface temperatures of least 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.5 degrees Celcius). These low pressure systems are fed by energy from the warm seas. If a storm achieves wind of 38 miles (61 kilometers) an hour, it becomes known as a tropical depression. A tropical depression becomes a tropical storm, when its sustained wind speeds top 39 miles (63 kilometer) an hour. When a strom’s sustained wind speeds reach 74 miles (119 kilometers) an hour, it becomes a hurricane and earns a category rating of 1 to 5 on the Saffir-Simpson.

A tropical storm happens when storm's wind speeds reach ... miles an hour.

  1. 39

  2. 61

  3. 74

  4. 160


T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

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Berdasarkan kalimat “A tropical depression becomes a tropical storm, when it sustained wind speeds to 39 miles (63 kilometres) an hour.”, dapat diketahui bahwa Depresi tropis berubah menjadi badai tropis, ketika angin bertahan dengan kecepatan hingga 39 mil (63 kilometer) per jam, sehinga pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (A) 39.

Berdasarkan kalimat “A tropical depression becomes a tropical storm, when it sustained wind speeds to 39 miles (63 kilometres) an hour.”, dapat diketahui bahwa Depresi tropis berubah menjadi badai tropis, ketika angin bertahan dengan kecepatan hingga 39 mil (63 kilometer) per jam, sehinga pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (A) 39.

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