


Human Error is the latest album of The Kids with Green Socks band. The album contains 8 songs. The album focuses on sadness and regrets. It expresses the deepest sufferings from the band members that even though life goes on, they can’t move on from the past. No wonder why most of the songs are played in minor chords. Personally, I am not keen on listening to this album since it is too dark for me. However, the last 2 songs of the album are enjoyable because, unlike the other 6 that seem repetitive, these two bring quite positive vibe that shows the acceptance of destiny. To reiterate, I don’t recommend this album for people who are depressed and stressed out since I think it will deteriorate their state. … since I think it will deteriorate their state. (last paragraph) The underlined word has the closest meaning to …

Human Error is the latest album of The Kids with Green Socks band. The album contains 8 songs.

The album focuses on sadness and regrets. It expresses the deepest sufferings from the band members that even though life goes on, they can’t move on from the past. No wonder why most of the songs are played in minor chords.

Personally, I am not keen on listening to this album since it is too dark for me. However, the last 2 songs of the album are enjoyable because, unlike the other 6 that seem repetitive, these two bring quite positive vibe that shows the acceptance of destiny.

To reiterate, I don’t recommend this album for people who are depressed and stressed out since I think it will deteriorate their state.

…  since I think it will deteriorate their state. (last paragraph)

The underlined word has the closest meaning to …

  1. improve

  2. worsen

  3. recover

  4. maintain


  5. increase


N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

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To reiterate, I don’t recommend this album for people who are depressed and stressed out since I think it will deteriorate their state. Penulis tidak merekomendasikan album ini kepada orang-orang yang sedang depresi karena dia takut kalau album ini akan memperparah keadaan mereka. Jadi, selain deteriorate , ‘memperparah’ bisa juga kita tuliskan dengan kata worsen .

To reiterate, I don’t recommend this album for people who are depressed and stressed out since I think it will deteriorate their state.

Penulis tidak merekomendasikan album ini kepada orang-orang yang sedang depresi karena dia takut kalau album ini akan memperparah keadaan mereka. Jadi, selain deteriorate, ‘memperparah’ bisa juga kita tuliskan dengan kata worsen.



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