

How to Make Tempe Perkedel Ingredients: 150 g tempe 1 tablespoon of flour 1 egg 1 spoon of Royco 1 cup of vegetable oil Steps: Firstly, mash tempe with fork. Seconldy, put the mashed tempe in a bowl. Thirdly, mix the mashed tempe with the flour and Royco, followed by an egg. Next, shape tempe into the size of a golf ball and flatten it a bit using a fork. Then, heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame. When the oil is hot enough, put in tempe into the oil for five or six minutes. After that, fry tempe until golden brown on both sides. Right after tempe cooked, drain it onabsorbentpaper. Finally, serve tempe with hot chili or sauce. Which one is appropriate according to the steps of the text above?

How to Make Tempe Perkedel


  • 150 g tempe
  • 1 tablespoon of flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 spoon of Royco
  • 1 cup of vegetable oil


  1. Firstly, mash tempe with fork.
  2. Seconldy, put the mashed tempe in a bowl.
  3. Thirdly, mix the mashed tempe with the flour and Royco, followed by an egg.
  4. Next, shape tempe into the size of a golf ball and flatten it a bit using a fork.
  5. Then, heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame. When the oil is hot enough, put in tempe into the oil for five or six minutes.
  6. After that, fry tempe until golden brown on both sides.
  7. Right after tempe cooked, drain it on absorbent paper.
  8. Finally, serve tempe with hot chili or sauce.

Which one is appropriate according to the steps of the text above?

  1. Tempe must be churned with fork.

  2. The mashed tempe must be alloyed with the powder and Royco sans an egg afterwards.

  3.  The mashed tempe must be alloyed with the powder and Royco, adhered by an egg afterwards.

  4. Mold tempe into the size of golf ball and stack it a bit using a fork.

  5. Mold tempe into the size of golf ball and crumble it a bit using a fork

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Y. Yuli.Widya

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Pilihan jawaban C. The mashed tempe must be alloyed with the powder and Royco, adhered by an egg afterwards sesuai dengan langkah ketiga dari pembuatan tempe perkedel pada “procedure text” diatas, yaitu “mix the mashed tempe with the flour and Royco, followed by an egg”. Meskipun beberapa katanya diubah, tetapi maknanya tetap relavan. Kata “mix” menjadi “alloy”, kata “flour” menjadi “powder” , dan “followed by” menjadi “adhered by”.

Pilihan jawaban C. The mashed tempe must be alloyed with the powder and Royco, adhered by an egg afterwards sesuai dengan langkah ketiga dari pembuatan tempe perkedel pada “procedure text” diatas, yaitu “mix the mashed tempe with the flour and Royco, followed by an egg”. Meskipun beberapa katanya diubah, tetapi maknanya tetap relavan. Kata “mix” menjadi “alloy”, kata “flour” menjadi “powder” , dan “followed by” menjadi “adhered by”.

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