


Read the news about Asian Beach Games. Then, make a summary of the news by listing 
important information in your own words in the box. 

Asian Beach Games to cost Rp300 billion

Thursday, January 31, 2008

    The first Asian Beach Games, which will be held in Bali from October 18-26, will cost an estimated Rp300 billion (around US$32 million), says National Sports Council (KONI) chairwoman Rita Subowo.

    Rita said here Wednesday that the organizing committee and KONI would strive to secure the  funding from the government and sponsors. “The Coordinating Ministry for the People’s Welfare will provide Rp100 billion,” Rita said. “A New Zealand apparel company has signed an agreement with the organizing company to provide a sponsorship of $1.5 million.” Rita said she was hopeful KONI and the organizing committee would find other sponsors to cover the budget.

    “We are still negotiating with local and other international companies to sponsor the tournament. Some of them probably will support us in cash, while some others will provide equipment, like computers,” she said, adding that the organizing committee would use Ernst & Young as its financial adviser.

    The Asian Beach Games is a multisport event that will be held every two years for athletes representing 45 countries from across Asia. A total of 17 sports disciplines, including beach soccer, volleyball, sepak takraw, jet skiing, surfing and sailing will be included in the Games.

    To finance the training of Indonesian athletes participating in the event, Rita said the State Ministry for Youth and Sports Affairs would provide some Rp15 billion, which is not included in the Rp300 billion budget for organizing the Games. (trw)

(Adapted from: http://www.thejakartapost.com

How much will the event probably cost?

How much will the event probably cost?


D. Yaniar

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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jawaban yang tepat adalah " The first Asian Beach Gameswill cost an estimated Rp300 billion (around US$32 million ) ."

jawaban yang tepat adalah "The first Asian Beach Games will cost an estimated Rp300 billion (around US$32 million)."



Soal ini menanyakan tentang berapa biaya acara tersebut. Jawabannya dapat kita temukan pada paragraf pertama, yaitu kalimat " The first Asian Beach Games , which will be held in Bali from October 18-26, will cost an estimated Rp300 billion (around US$32 million) .... " yang artinya Asian Beach Games pertama, akan memakan biaya sekitar Rp300 miliar (sekitar US$32 juta). Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah " The first Asian Beach Gameswill cost an estimated Rp300 billion (around US$32 million ) ."

Soal ini menanyakan tentang berapa biaya acara tersebut. Jawabannya dapat kita temukan pada paragraf pertama, yaitu kalimat "The first Asian Beach Games, which will be held in Bali from October 18-26, will cost an estimated Rp300 billion (around US$32 million) ...." yang artinya Asian Beach Games pertama, akan memakan biaya sekitar Rp300 miliar (sekitar US$32 juta).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah "The first Asian Beach Games will cost an estimated Rp300 billion (around US$32 million)."

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