
Practice the dialogue below in front of the class with your partner! Then answer the questions!

Customer: "I want to rent a safe deposit box."

Mrs. Ratih: "What is the purpose of renting the box?"

Customer: "I want to put securities, like the certificate of the house, the car. I also want to put the valuables, like gold."

Mrs. Ratih: "We have three sizes of deposit box. Small, medium, and large."

Customer:  "How much do you charge for medium?"

Mrs. Ratih: "Six hundred thousand rupiahs per year."

Customer: "I'll take it. Please debit my account."

Mrs. Ratih: "All right. Here is the key." Customer : "Thank you."

Mrs. Ratih: "You are welcome." 

How many sizes are the box?

How many sizes are the box?

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D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah "There are three sizes of the deposit box. They are small, medium, and large."

jawaban yang benar adalah "There are three sizes of the deposit box. They are small, medium, and large."


Soal menanyakan jumlah ukuran kotak brankas. Jawaban dari pertanyaan ini dapat ditemukan pada pernyataan Bu Ratih yang berbunyi "We have three sizes of deposit box. Small, medium, and large" yang artinya "Kami memiliki tiga ukuran kotak brankas. Kecil, sedang, dan besar." Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "There are three sizes of the deposit box. They are small, medium, and large."

Soal menanyakan jumlah ukuran kotak brankas.

Jawaban dari pertanyaan ini dapat ditemukan pada pernyataan Bu Ratih yang berbunyi "We have three sizes of deposit box. Small, medium, and large" yang artinya "Kami memiliki tiga ukuran kotak brankas. Kecil, sedang, dan besar."

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "There are three sizes of the deposit box. They are small, medium, and large."

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Pertanyaan serupa

9. What will Sonia do?



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