


This following text is for questions 76 to 78.

    Soccer is one of the most popular sports in Europe and the Americas. It has a vivid and interesting history in the world of sports. Early evidence of soccer being played as a sport finds occurrence in China during the 2nd and 3 centuries BC. In China, it was during the Han dynasty that people dribbled leather balls by kicking it into a small net. Recorded facts also support the fact that Romans and Greeks used to play ball for fun and frolic. Some facts point to Kyoto in Japan where kicking of ball was a popular sport.

    It is said that early growth of the modern soccer started in England. Some amusing facts even mention that the first ball used was the head of some Danish brigand. It is said that d u ring medieval times, the old form of soccer used to allow many ill practices like kicking, punching, biting and gouging. The main aim was to carry the ball to a target spot. People grew so fond of the game that they would throng the field all day long. Sometimes the competition grew fierce and masses got so wild that there were frequent incidents of violence during the game. It is also said that soldiers admired the game so much that they missed archery practice to watch it.

    King Edward Ill banned soccer in 1365 owing to the growing incidents of violence and military indulgence in the sport. In 1424 King James I of Scotland also proclaimed in the Parliament- "Na man play at the Fute-ball" (No man shall play football)

    When and where exactly did soccer start is a question that has no precise answer to it. You can easily say that this popular game has been played for more than three thousand years. The nativity of modern-day soccer must be credited to Britain. It was also known as the association football, with Scotland and England being the co-founders of the systematic game of soccer.


How is the information in the passage organized?

How is the information in the passage organized?

  1. The origin of soccer is given right away.

  2. Several evidences on early soccer are presented.

  3. Contrasting views about the origin of soccer are mentioned.

  4. Some proofs underlying the existence of soccer are discussed.

  5. A comparison of the early and modern soccer is outlined.


B. Atlaliust

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Medan

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah B.

jawaban yang benar adalah B.



Jawaban dari soal ini adalah B. Soal menanyakan bagaimana informasi pada teks ditampilkan. Hal yang dilakukan untuk menjawab soal ini adalah membaca dan memahami teks yang tersedia. Berdasarkan penulisan pada teks, banyak terdapat bukti-bukti tentang adanya sepak bola di jaman dulu. Pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah "Several evidences on early soccer are presented." Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B.

Jawaban dari soal ini adalah B.

Soal menanyakan bagaimana informasi pada teks ditampilkan.

Hal yang dilakukan untuk menjawab soal ini adalah membaca dan memahami teks yang tersedia.

Berdasarkan penulisan pada teks, banyak terdapat bukti-bukti tentang adanya sepak bola di jaman dulu.

Pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah "Several evidences on early soccer are presented."

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B.

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