


This text is for questions 8 to 10.

    The city of Tikal dominated Mesoamerica in the 6th century AD, during the region's late Classic period. The most impressive of Tikal's structures are its six huge step pyramids, known as Temples I-VI, some of which tower over 200 ft  (61 m) above the humble tourist. Yet the majesty of Tikal is apparent wherever you are, whether you're craning your neck upward, peering giddily downward, or gazing across the Plaza Mayor at the temple tops rising above the rain forest canopy.

    Tikal leaves much more to the imagination ----its ancient ruins are always keeping something back, whether shrouded in dawn mist or covered in tropical foliage. And when you've found yourself a spot in which to sit and take it all in, Tikal allows you to believe that if you closed your eyes and drifted into a daydream, you might open them again to find yourself in the midst of a Mayan ceremony; an ancient ball game, perhaps, or a shamanic ritual. It's almost as though the Maya had downed tools and left this, their largest city, hours before your arrival.

    Tikal has played host since the 1990s to sacred rituals and traditional festivals. During modern Mayan ceremonies, such as the antiColumbus Day gathering in October, huge fires are lit in Plaza Mayor.

Adopted from: Anonymous, Off the -Tourist Trai/ 1,000 Unexpected Travel Alternatives, London, Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2009.

How do visitors probably feel in Tikal?

How do visitors probably feel in Tikal?

  1. They are isolated in Tikal.

  2. They can predict the future.

  3. They are doubt to visit the place.

  4. They feel that the place is quiet.

  5. They can feel the past life in Tikal.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah E.

jawaban yang benar adalah E.




Terjemahan soal yaitu "Bagaimana kemungkinan perasaan pengunjung di Tikal?". Jawaban dari soal ini terlihat di paragraf 1yaitu " Tikal allows you to believe that if you closed your eyes and drifted into a daydream, you might open them again to find yourself in the midst of a Mayan ceremony; .... " yang artinya "Tikal memungkinkan Anda untuk percaya bahwa jika Anda memejamkan mata dan hanyut ke dalam lamunan, Anda mungkin membukanya lagi untuk menemukan diri Anda di tengah-tengah upacara Maya;....". Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa "mereka dapat merasakan kehidupan masa lalu di Tikal" (" t hey can feel the past life in Tikal" ) yaitu berada ditengah-tengah upacara Maya. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah E.

Terjemahan soal yaitu "Bagaimana kemungkinan perasaan pengunjung di Tikal?".

Jawaban dari soal ini terlihat di paragraf 1 yaitu "Tikal allows you to believe that if you closed your eyes and drifted into a daydream, you might open them again to find yourself in the midst of a Mayan ceremony; ...." yang artinya "Tikal memungkinkan Anda untuk percaya bahwa jika Anda memejamkan mata dan hanyut ke dalam lamunan, Anda mungkin membukanya lagi untuk menemukan diri Anda di tengah-tengah upacara Maya;....". 

Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa "mereka dapat merasakan kehidupan masa lalu di Tikal" ("they can feel the past life in Tikal") yaitu berada di tengah-tengah upacara Maya.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah E.

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Pertanyaan serupa

What is the characteristic of the place?



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