

Answer the questions based on the dialogue.

Dialogue 1

Diana, her friends Shinta and Toni are walking home from school. They are talking about a party at Diana’s house tonight.

Diana : Shinta, I am going to have a party tonight. Would you like to come?

Shinta : I’d love too! By the way, what are you celebrating?

Diana : I won the Science Olympics last week.

Shinta : Congratulations. Wow, you’re very clever.

Diana : Not at all. You just have to study harder. Will you come to my party?

Toni : I’m sorry, I can’t. My parents are going to go to the hospital. I may be late getting to your party, is that all right?

Diana : Yes, it’s all right as long as you are allowed by your parents.

Shinta : Hmm, speaking about parents, I have to call my father to ask his permission.


Dialogue 2

Shinta is using her cell phone to call her father at her house.

Shinta : Hello, good afternoon, Dad!

Mr Kusye : Afternoon, Shinta.

Shinta : Dad, can I go to Diana’s party tonight, please? Tomorrow is a holiday. I don’t have any homework. 

Mr Kusye :  Yes, certainly, but what time will the party be over?

Shinta : I think about 11 p.m., Dad.

Mr Kusye :  Well, I’m afraid I can’t let you stay until 11, Shinta. We are going to go to your grandparents the next morning. How about if I pick you up at 10, so you’ll have time to rest before you go for the trip.

Shinta : All right, Dad. Thanks. See you later.

How about Toni? Does he accept the invitation too?

How about Toni? Does he accept the invitation too?

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M. Herlina

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


dalam Bahasa Inggris, kita bisa menyatakan jawabannya dengan "Toni refuses the invitation to Diana's party but he will try to come even if it's late."

dalam Bahasa Inggris, kita bisa menyatakan jawabannya dengan "Toni refuses the invitation to Diana's party but he will try to come even if it's late."


Soal di atas menanyakan tentang "Bagaimana dengan Toni? Apakah dia menerima undangan itu juga?". Jawaban dari soal ini terdapat dalam dialog yang diucapkan oleh Toni. Bunyinya adalah " I’m sorry, I can’t. My parents are going to go to the hospital. I may be late getting to your party, is that all right?" yang artinya "Maaf, saya tidak bisa. Orang tua saya akan pergi ke rumah sakit. Saya mungkin terlambat datang ke pesta Anda, tidak apa-apa?". Sehingga bisa kita simpulkan bahwa Toni menolak undangan ke pesta Diana namun dia akan berusaha datang meski terlambat. Jadi, dalam Bahasa Inggris, kita bisa menyatakan jawabannya dengan "Toni refuses the invitation to Diana's party but he will try to come even if it's late."

Soal di atas menanyakan tentang "Bagaimana dengan Toni? Apakah dia menerima undangan itu juga?". Jawaban dari soal ini terdapat dalam dialog yang diucapkan oleh Toni. Bunyinya adalah "I’m sorry, I can’t. My parents are going to go to the hospital. I may be late getting to your party, is that all right?" yang artinya "Maaf, saya tidak bisa. Orang tua saya akan pergi ke rumah sakit. Saya mungkin terlambat datang ke pesta Anda, tidak apa-apa?". Sehingga bisa kita simpulkan bahwa Toni menolak undangan ke pesta Diana namun dia akan berusaha datang meski terlambat.

Jadi, dalam Bahasa Inggris, kita bisa menyatakan jawabannya dengan "Toni refuses the invitation to Diana's party but he will try to come even if it's late."

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Pertanyaan serupa

Is Toni going to come to the party?



Jawaban terverifikasi


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