


Have you understood how to make passive voice sentences? Answer the question below to check your understanding! When should we use passive voice?

Have you understood how to make passive voice sentences? Answer the question below to check your understanding!

When should we use passive voice?


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah " We use passive voice when the identity of the doer is unknown, the identity of the doer is irrelevant, we want to hide the identity of the doer, we are expressing a general truth, we are focusing on the object, and we are writing a scientific report. "

jawaban yang benar adalah "We use passive voice when the identity of the doer is unknown, the identity of the doer is irrelevant, we want to hide the identity of the doer, we are expressing a general truth, we are focusing on the object, and we are writing a scientific report."




Kalimat pasif efektif berguna dalam situasi tertentu, seperti ketika: identitas pelaku aksi tidak diketahui. identitas pelaku diketahui tapi tidak penting atau tidak relevan. kita hendak menyembunyikan identitas pelaku. kita hendak mengekspresikan suatu dalil. kita hendak menarik perhatian pembaca atau pendengar pada obyek. kita sedang menulis teks laporan ilmiah. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah " We use passive voice when the identity of the doer is unknown, the identity of the doer is irrelevant, we want to hide the identity of the doer, we are expressing a general truth, we are focusing on the object, and we are writing a scientific report. "

Kalimat pasif efektif berguna dalam situasi tertentu, seperti ketika:

  • identitas pelaku aksi tidak diketahui.
  • identitas pelaku diketahui tapi tidak penting atau tidak relevan.
  • kita hendak menyembunyikan identitas pelaku.
  • kita hendak mengekspresikan suatu dalil.
  • kita hendak menarik perhatian pembaca atau pendengar pada obyek.
  • kita sedang menulis teks laporan ilmiah.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "We use passive voice when the identity of the doer is unknown, the identity of the doer is irrelevant, we want to hide the identity of the doer, we are expressing a general truth, we are focusing on the object, and we are writing a scientific report."

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Pertanyaan serupa

What is usually the subject of a passive voice sentence?



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Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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