


Government should not raise fuel price to solve the problem of economic issues. People were affected severely with the high fuel price hike last year. Obviously, they cut their spending. As an example, they had to buy lower quality of rice or palm oil. There were also fewer buyers of secondary commodities like flour, or canned meat or fish. Furthermore, the condition of low income family will become even worse because their expenses will increase while their salaries will not. Many companies will have to trim the number of employees because they are incapable of managing buying or selling price, standard wages and personal affairs. In conclusion, government should not raise fuel price to overcome economic problem but the solution should be sought by tapping into the nation’s own potential and utilizing it to enhance productivity to its maximum.

Government should not raise fuel price to solve the problem of economic issues.

People were affected severely with the high fuel price hike last year. Obviously, they cut their spending. As an example, they had to buy lower quality of rice or palm oil. There were also fewer buyers of secondary commodities like flour, or canned meat or fish.

Furthermore, the condition of low income family will become even worse because their expenses will increase while their salaries will not. Many companies will have to trim the number of employees because they are incapable of managing buying or selling price, standard wages and personal affairs.

In conclusion, government should not raise fuel price to overcome economic problem but the solution should be sought by tapping into the nation’s own potential and utilizing it to enhance productivity to its maximum.

  1. Solving economic issues

  2. Effects of smoking

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S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi



Pada teks tersebut, si penulis bermaksud menyampaikan gagasan atas permasalahan ekonomi yang sedang dialami negara tersebut, seperti yang dijelaskan pada paragraf pertama yaitu "Pemerintah seharusnya tidak menaikkan harga bahan bakar untuk menyelesaikan masalah ekonomi."Itu berarti, jawaban yang tepat adalah A – Solving economic issues.

Pada teks tersebut, si penulis bermaksud menyampaikan gagasan atas permasalahan ekonomi yang sedang dialami negara tersebut, seperti yang dijelaskan pada paragraf pertama yaitu "Pemerintah seharusnya tidak menaikkan harga bahan bakar untuk menyelesaikan masalah ekonomi."  Itu berarti, jawaban yang tepat adalah A – Solving economic issues.

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