


Girl : Can I ask for your opinion on something? Boy : Sure, what can I help you with? Girl : Do you think I would look better in the blue or the red dress? Boy : I think you should try on the yellow dress. What can we conclude from the dialogue?

Girl : Can I ask for your opinion on something?

Boy : Sure, what can I help you with?

Girl : Do you think I would look better in the blue or the red dress?

Boy : I think you should try on the yellow dress.

   What can we conclude from the dialogue?

  1. The boy gives an opinion to the girl.

  2. The boy asks for an opinion to the girl.

  3. The girl asks for help to the boy.

  4. The girl gives suggestion to the boy.

  5. Both the boy and the girl give their opinion.


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah A.The boy gives an opinion to the girl.

jawaban yang benar adalah A.The boy gives an opinion to the girl.



Berdasarkan percakapan di atas, perempuan ini meminta saran kepada laki-laki ( Can I ask for your opinion on something? ) kemudian pria ini memberi opini. (I think you should try on the yellow dress.) Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah A.The boy gives an opinion to the girl.

Berdasarkan percakapan di atas, perempuan ini meminta saran kepada laki-laki (Can I ask for your opinion on something?) kemudian pria ini memberi opini. (I think you should try on the yellow dress.)

Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah A.The boy gives an opinion to the girl.

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