


Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer.

The following text is for questions 14 to 17.

Let's make our mask to avoid us from covid-19.

Things we need:

  • 100% cotton material or a man's cotton handkerchief, clean
  • Two rubber bands, clean

1. Fold the handkerchief from one side to little above the middle of the cloth. 
2. Fold over the other edge to go above the first fold. 
3. Fold this again evenly from the middle.
4. Take a rubber band and tie it on the left side of the cloth, 5-7 centimeters from the edge. 
5. Now, tie the other side with another rubber band. Ensure that the area in the middle of the two rubber bands is big enough to cover our mouth and nose. 
6. Take one edge of the cloth on the side of the rubber band and fold over it. Do this for both sides. 
7. Now, take one fold and insert it to the other fold. Our mask is ready to use. Make sure that our mask is clean before using. 

Adopted from: The Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India, March 30, 2020.

From the text, we can conclude that ....

From the text, we can conclude that ....

  1. we wrap the rubber bands around our ears

  2. we use cotton as it doesn't easily get dirty

  3. we fold the handkerchief twice to make the mask

  4. the cloth can be washed along with the rubber bands


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah A.

jawaban yang benar adalah A.




Soal menanyakan apa yang bisa disimpulkan dari teks tersebut. Di dalam teks prosedur, bagian langkah nomor 5, terdapat keterangan, "Ensure that the area in the middle of thetwo rubber bands is big enough to cover ourmouth and nose." yang artinya "Pastikan bagian tengah antara dua karet gelang cukup besar untuk menutupi muluh dan hidung kita.". Dari penjelasan ini, bisa disimpulkan bahwa kita akan menggantung karetnya di telinga kita, atau dalam pilihan jawaban "we wrap the rubber bands around our ears". Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah A.

Soal menanyakan apa yang bisa disimpulkan dari teks tersebut.

Di dalam teks prosedur, bagian langkah nomor 5, terdapat keterangan, "Ensure that the area in the middle of the two rubber bands is big enough to cover our mouth and nose." yang artinya "Pastikan bagian tengah antara dua karet gelang cukup besar untuk menutupi muluh dan hidung kita.".

Dari penjelasan ini, bisa disimpulkan bahwa kita akan menggantung karetnya di telinga kita, atau dalam pilihan jawaban "we wrap the rubber bands around our ears".

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah A.

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